Thursday, April 02, 2009


I love to meditate on the concept of delight. First of all, I think the word itself is fabulous. But I believe the meaning is more wonderful. Delight is a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture. Isn't that cool? I delight in a lot of things. Six things I delight most in are Jesus, family, friends, prayer, worship, and the Word of God. Can you imagine God delighting over His children? I mean wow. My finite little brain cannot even justify how profoundly the Lord enjoys Himself over me. I just love the fact that I bring Him immense and immeasurable joy. I want that desperately. I want to look at life from that vantage point. It is so much easier than the other ways of the world. And, it does my soul good, which is always my goal. In the book of Isaiah lies one of about a thousand of my favorite scriptures. I will share it at the end. Delight is so important. It is essential if I want to live my journey with Jesus to its fullest measure.

Delight does wonders for a person, as I've already pointed out. It drives away fear, doubt, and unbelief. How can you delight and have a heart full of unbelief? God is the author and ultimate creator of delight and all of its many benefits. There are many scriptures that command us to delight and take joy in Who the Lord is. Delight comes into the inner man of a disciple and fills it with bright light. Delight is a catalyst for much needed spring cleaning of the spirit. Its function is to drive out everything that is not of God. I love that. Delight cannot reside where God is not present and active. Delight is energizing in its fervency. So, delight in where you are right now at this moment, because the Lord takes great delight in you.

"And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting and longing] to be gractious and to bring delight to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show you loving kindness to you. Blessed are those who earnestly wait for Him." - Isaiah 30:18

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