Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Still Here...

These past few weeks have been hard. I've had to say goodbye to a mentor. But through it all the Lord has been good and He has been so faithful. My blogging has taken a back seat the last few weeks. Throughout this time of experiencing the loss of a friend, the Lord has shown me every single day how immeasurably blessed I am. I have a wonderful family, a wonderful, heaven-sent community of friends, and a God who never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I find so much comfort in that fact.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Blessings of Friendship...

I have been unbelivably blessed with the community of friends the Lord has given me. I don't think this life would be bearable without friends. Truly, the Lord, plus friends, plus family make my life what it is. Two weekends ago, I got to see my sweet friend Ashley and I got to meet her precious baby girl Emma Grace and that was so much fun. I've also recently had fun having lunch with two precious sisters, whom I love, Summer and Kate. And I had the pleasure of having lunch with my new sweet friend Karen who has three adorable girls with one on the way. I honestly don't know how I've been so blessed. I think these sweet friendships are just a gift of God's goodness.

God has also given me precious friends that don't live where I do, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like to. I am so grateful for these relationships as well. The Lord says that it is essentially important to be very careful with the people you surround yourself with, and I agree. I just have to say that I believe the people that surround me in life are some of the most devoted, humble, authentic, and precious men and women that I've ever met. I praise the Lord for each of you and the place you have in my community, I am blessed indeed.

Monday, November 02, 2009

It's That Time of Year....

It is the beginning of November. I love the beginning of November because it starts my absolute favorite time of year. What, besides fall, is Lauren's favorite time of year? The answer is the holidays. I adore the holidays. There is so much that I love about these special times. I LOVE tradition. I love, love, love being surrounded by my family. I love the special foods we prepare. My absolute favorite part of the hoidays is getting to celebrate the blessings and bounty of Jesus' goodness to all of us. When November and December roll around each year I am reminded once more how blessed I am. The holidays always serve as a yearly reminder on the calendar to stop and realize just how much the Lord has done. To me, the hoidays are so much more than gifts under the Christmas tree. They are a time to appreciate and treasure the things that really matter in life-- the people that make my life what it is and my God that makes this life so worthwile and full.