Friday, October 29, 2010

Favorite Moments This Week...

Since it is Friday once again, I thought I would share some of my favorite moments of this week:

1. On Tuesday I bought my first candle of the season. I chose a Yankee Spiced Pumpkin candle and it smells really good. I've enjoyed it so far. Smelling candles and knowing that they are present in my home just does something wonderful for my soul. It is a good thing. Candles just make me feel cozy all over. I love that feeling.

2. Yesterday, as I was waiting outside for a ride to the dentist, I heard our preacher's adorable two-year-old daughter talking to her Mommy and baby brother while she played outside. I love watching and hearing children play. Listening to her precious voice was so much fun. She is one of the most precocious little ladies I've ever met! And she's spunky. I love her little personality. Everyone definitely knows when she comes into a room. Thank you Lord, for ES. She's a doll.

3. I shared my testimony yesterday. It was so good to see where the Lord has brought me in 28 years of life and 18 years of being His daughter. I love the power of sharing people's stories. One of my favorite things about sharing testimony is that satan loses power every time I do it. I think sharing testimony is an essential part of building community. Sharing life stories shows how desperately we need to journey with others. The power of testimony brings freedom. It brings joy. I'm so thankful I got to partake in that and that God opened a door of opportunity for be to brag on Him. It was fun.

4. I got to spend some great time with this favorite little Westie of mine. She brings me so much joy. Sophie, you are such a blessing in my life. I love her precious, spunky, I-will-not-be-ignored personality. She brings so much life into our family. She's such a great friend to me who is ALWAYS waiting to give me a great welcome home. Thank you, Lord for creating dogs.
Have a fabulous Friday friends!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday Night Football...

This is a picture my Mama took last Friday night at Grande Stadium in Midland. After it was captured on film, it fast became one of my all-time favorite pictures. This is a perfect way to describe what the Cunninghams are doing on any given Friday night in the Fall. Every member of my immediate family loves high school football. It is a perfect way to spend a Fall evening in West Texas. I also believe that the sunset in the picture is one of the most splendid ones I've ever seen. God is the most unmatched artist. I love His work! Thank you, Father for combining two of my loves: football and beautiful sunsets.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Snippet of Life...

I thought that today I would share with you readers a little bit of what I've been watching, reading, buying, and listening to. I have been excitedly watching the Texas Rangers dominate those Yankees. It has been so much fun to cheer on my favorite baseball team. Cliff Lee has fast become my favorite Rangers player. He was phenominal earlier in the week as he took the mound in New York. One of my other favorite things about the Texas/New York series has been the emty stands in Yankee Stadium. I'm hoping they can pull out a win in Game 4 this afternoon. My Rangers-obsessed brother, Grant, is a very happy and contented fan as well. Last night's game even produced something really funny to me. My Daddy was burning up his Facebook status and that NEVER happens. He was especially excited when Bengie Molina connected with the ball last night. Fun times have ensued as the Rangers have taken on the Yankees. I have started Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus and oh my goodness, it is superb so far. Even though I am only still on the first chapter, I am really looking forward to getting to know the Jewishness of Jesus. I have heard excellent things about this read. Have any of you read it? I'm going through it slowly so that Jesus can teach me at His pace. The Lord has placed within me a new passion to love the Jews, Israel, and the place of the Jewish people as God's most beloved and kindred people. I don't think there is a better place to start learning about the Jews than with Jesus himself as He lived in human form. It has been a great journey so far.

Recently, I've been revisiting a favorite music artist that I LOVE. Her name is Christy Nockels. She has a fabulous voice and I love her heart. She and her husband, Nathan used to be known as Watermark. If you haven't heard this CD go onto iTunes and check it out! You will love her just as much as I do, I promise. Have a great Wednesday

Friday, October 15, 2010

Favorite Things Friday...

Favorite Fallish Accessory

Today I thought I would share with you my favorite Fall accessory essential that holds a very very prominent place in my wardrobe during the season. As I've stated on this blog time and time again, Fall is my absolute favorite season of them all. I love the coziness of the season. I love that holidays are welcomed during the season. I love the changing leaves, little children in adorable costumes, the cooler weather, the wonderful (what I consider the rustic) smell of fires being lit in homes, the decorations, great quantities of candy corn, the fabulous colors that surround me, and so much more.

Yes, if you guessed SCARVES as my favorite fall-to-winter accessory you are entirely correct. I must make a confession to you all: My name is Lauren Cunningham and I am addicted to scarves. I have become a little obsessed. Oh my goodness, I feel so free after that little confession! :) Any time I walk into Target, Stein Mart, or any of my other favorite stores, I head staight for the scarves. I know its a sickness. I have found that a scarf worn any time brings just the right finishing touch of class to an outfit. Honestly, I've had to pace myself and mentally say, "Lauren, its 80 degrees outside and wearing a scarf in 80-degree weather is nuts!" I think I'll wait until late October early November to break out my favorite accessory.

This is a bi-annual women's consignment sale held every Spring and Fall in downtown Abilene in the old Jordan Taylor space. It is run by two sisters, Summer Walters and Kate Stover who are two of my favorite people. I absolutely adore it. Summer and Kate make it so cozy and fun to come and browse. It is made possible by tons of wonderful volunteers and I love going around and hugging all the ones I know and love. If you are in Abilene between October 16-20 go! It is fabulous. You can visit at my sidebar to find out more.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughts on Writing and Community...

I am most definitely a writer. I believe that being a writer is someone God created me to be. I am ALWAYS scribbling down thoughts or great quotes. I also always have a tiny journal and pen in my purse. I honestly love it. I believe that writing and worship are two outlets that the Lord placed on this earth just for me. Words stir something deep in me. Music also speaks to the deepest core of who I am. I am immensely grateful for them both. However, sometimes, I cannot find just the right words to convey a certain thought or emotion that I yearn to put onto paper. My brain is always scheming about how best to articulate a thought or feeling or experiece that I want to share. I realize that not everything that comes into my mind or spirit needs to be written down. Some of the things I think or feel are meant for God and I alone, and I like that. The thing I like most about writing is that most of the time, in my case, God uses what I think and what I write to bless others. One of my dreams is to write a book someday to have in Christian bookstores. I don't think I've shared that publicly before. I feel like the Lord has released into me a new portion and level of passion into the things I yern to write about and that excites me so very much. I love the fact that not everyone has to agree with what I wite and how I feel and I really relish the outlet that writing is in my life. I pray that whatever I write honors and glorifies the Lord because everything that the Lord has created and is creating exists to bring Him glory and pleasure. I pray that that can be said of the things I write. The fact of the matter is my writing belongs to Him.

I think community is so very important. In my opinion, it is essential in the life of any serious Jesus-follower. God seems to be gently pouring this over my life right now. Community is vital for so many reasons. One thing that I have learned is that building authentic community takes time. It is not something that can take place over night or within a few days or weeks. I think it has to be born. I have to say, I am very serious about the community that surrounds my life. I think it is really crucial that we know the people that surround, encourage, and walk with me in my journey. God has given me so many treasures through the people that reside in my community, This gift that God has given His people has a profound way of shaping us, if we allow it to. People with whom I share close community need to know that I will walk with them throughout every season. That is one way the glory of the Lord is seen. If I really want a person in my close community, I have found that it takes time in relationship in order for me to appreciate all of the facets of any certain person. I like to know how they think, the area of their giftedness, the degree of their passions and where those lie, and the degree of commitment to the Lord. For example, are they just Sunday pew-warmers or are they committed to allow Jesus to color every single aspect of who they are. What kinds of things do you look for in community. Through my time on the journey of Christian discipleship, I have learned how sacred and precious it is to be surrounded by committed and authentic community, I am a better person for it.