Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yield To Jesus...

I have heard several times over the years that what you yield to is what controls you. I have to say that I totally believe that is true. Like I have said many times, we have a choice to either yield to our flesh or to yield to the Spirit. It is critically important in the life of a beliver to not yield to the desires of our flesh. That is really hard. There are rewards the Lord sends when we surrender ourselves and totally give into the way of Jesus. When we consciously yield to the higher more excellent way, our image is being transformed into that of Christ. Make a decision today to yield to the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Warn It Away...

Over the past several years I have learned a great deal about the authority that exists within the instrument of my mouth. I am still in the process of learning in this area, but the Lord has shown me how much power and victory I have over the Enemy when I exercise His Word coming forth out of the words I speak. Warning doubt, fear, and distrust away is essential if I want to live a victorious, Kingdom-focused life before God. It has taken a lot of prayer in my own life to unleash the boldness it takes to warn spirits contrary to God away from my life and the lives of my loved ones, but it has totally been worth it.

Absolutely any time the devil comes at me with a thought that is not of God I have a choice to warn it away or to allow it entry into my spirit and thought life. I think it is time for believers to ask for and seek boldness in order to exercise the authority that Jesus died to give us on the cross. We have to verbally speak to spirits of darkness so that they lose their power and effectiveness over our lives. It is critical that we learn to discern when the Lord speaks to us and when the devil speaks to us. When he does, we need to learn to warn away anything he brings to us. I have learned that warning things away truly does bring peace, freedom, and joy. It took me a while to get over feeling silly about doing this and to realize that its importance. Now, I try to remember to do it whenever anything contrary to God comes my way. Try it for yourself. It really works wonders.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I LOVE to listen to teachings in my spare time. When I say teachings I mean speeches or sermons that encourage, uplift, and challenge my faith journey. Two of my favorite women to listen to are Sandy Ross out of San Antonio and Joyce Meyer. I can't say how satisfied my soul is after taking time to sit down and really listen to these two women. They walk in such authority and authenticity. One thing that I truly appreciate about both women is that they acknowledge that they make mistakes. Let me just say that my journey with Jesus has been immeasurably enriched by the lives they live.

I was introduced to Sandy Ross by my college roommate Kirsta and I have absolutely adored her ever since. Sandy is the founder and pastor of Women of Excellence Ministries that is based out of Summit Christian Center in San Antonio. I can honestly say that Sandy has helped me mature in the Lord in ways that I have only dreamed of. She is so humble, authentic. authoritative, and kind. She is just a lovely woman who is truly a woman of excellence before the Lord. I can't say enough about her. The Lord has used her to minister to my spirit in powerful ways.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A New Name...

I love Isaiah 61 and 62. There is such Spirit-infused power in these two chapters of scripture. In these two passages Zion goes from being destitute to being rich; the land goes from being barren to plentiful. I think there is so much symbolism for us as people in these two chapters in Isaiah.

Before the Lord found us we were destitute in sinfulness, now He has given us a new name. He has allowed us to rise out of the pits of misery and shame. He has bestowed upon us His garments of holiness and righteousness. That, to me, is just mind boggling to comtemplate. He has exchanged our rags for his glorious riches. We have gone from slaves to priests. I just love that and all that it means. We are no longer known for our humanity and for the things that we did wrong. God knows us as His possessions and treasures. God knows our giftedness, not our inadequacies. He knows our potential, not our sin. Yes, we were once sinners, but now we are purchases of the one true and living Lamb who lives to bring immeasurable joy and everlasting hope. Come into the inheritance of your new name in Christ. He is ready and waiting to receive you and to bestow upon you His glorious riches.

"You shall also be [so beautiful and prosperous as to be thought of as] a crown of glory and honor in the in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem [exceedingly beautiful] in the hand of your God." - Isaiah 62:3

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Unchanging Anchor...

One thing I am very thankful for is the fact that God is an unchanging anchor in a world that is so turbulent and uncertain. If God is in our lives we have an everlasting source of certainty and assurance. He beckons us to a life that is sure; a life that is built on a foundation that cannot ever be shaken. His unchanging nature anchors our lives in an ever-increasing hope and redemption. Boy, that floods my soul with such joy. On days when we cannot seem to find our bearings, God stands ready to step in and live through us using His power and strength. He always welcomes us into the communion of His presence. So, when the winds of this world are threatening to undo you, step into the hope that anchors life in God. It is a wonderful and life-giving place to be. It is an everlasting source of peace and comfort.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Heaven Bent Focus...

I believe that what we focus on is what we become. It so easy to be consumed by and focused on worldly things. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to be committed to a heaven bent focus. Our flesh wants to indulge in the easy way. The Lord yearns for us to be solely focused on higher things. He wants to infuse us with a focus that looks past short-lived enjoyment and sufficiency. A heaven bent focus affords us eternal rewards. These rewards go far beyond anything the world could or would offer us. A heaven bent focus requires fierece determination. If we commit ourselves to consistently acquiring a heaven bent focus, the Lord will bring things into our lives that are far beyond our wildest imaginations. A heaven bent focus is worth the time and energy. If we give ourselves over to it, we will enjoy a communion with God that is ultimately satisfying and sweet.

Friday, May 15, 2009

An Incorruptible Seal...

I love to think about the fact that I am chosen by God. I am ingrafted into the lineage of Jesus. That fact is just mind-boggling to me. That thought brings me unspeakable assurance and security. I am an adopted child of the Most High King. Wow. As I have gown in my journey of discipleship, the Lord has taught me that there are immeasurable benefits to being His property.

One of my favorite benefits is having His seal of ownership. To know that I have the incorrupible seal of the King of the Universe is absolutely indescribable. Having that knowledge gives me a humble confidence to live out my dreams and to go about doing things that make Him attractive to others. I yearn to make Him famous. His impenetrable seal affords me the honor of carrying His divine signature upon my life and most importantly upon my spirit. Satan may try to gain entry into my spirit but God has the ultimate victory and I am totally and completely His. When Satan attempts to come at me with all of his schemes, God takes me away and places me between His shoulders and underneath His wings of protection and comfort, a place Satan is not welcome. The best part is, he knows it. I am so grateful to have God's seal upon my life. My job is to live a life worthy of that seal through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Certainty of Christ...

Today I am certain of one thing: I serve a risen and victorious Savior who paid the ultimate price for my redemption. He is not a mere prophet; He is not a myth. He is real. He is present. He is risen. He is reigning in this world right now. His certainty to me is like the air I breathe. His certainty is a sure as anything I've ever known. I am thankful to the depths of my soul for the certainty that resides in Jesus Christ. I am grateful that He longs for deep intimacy and communion with me as His child. I am thankful for the fact that He desires a relationship with a sinner like me. Most of all, I am thankful that I am covered in His righteousness and purity as I stand before God. It excites me to the deepest core of my soul to know that His power resides in and infuses itself into me as I learn to totally surrender myself and all of my desires and plans into His divine safe keeping.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In The Midst of Memories...

Do you ever have days when you are overwhelmed with memories of a very special person? That has characterized my day today. The really good thing is that I know that God is in the midst of this day of memories. I am very very thankful for the many memories I shared with this particular person. He was a very gentle, kind, and tender spirit. Our best family friends experienced a death in the family. Daddy Don was one of my very favorite people. He was such a wonderful and quiet servant of Jesus. I learned volumes about how to serve others and how to flesh out the mission of Christ just by being a witness to his life. He is now dancing with Jesus and for that I am thankful.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jesus Colored Glasses...

I have been reminded recently how God sees me and it has been so refreshing and comforting. As a child of God, when He looks at me He only sees Jesus. He dosen't see my sin. He doesn't see my inadequacy. He doesn't see any speck of unworthiness. I am seen by Him through Jesus colored glasses. That just thrills me to the core of my soul. I am so thankful for the fact that God only sees me through His righteousness. Every day I praise Him for the price Jesus paid to allow me to be ingrafted into His heart. I can live a life free from worry and anxiety because I am an heir along with Jesus. That thought just really excites me. I can unashamedly approach God and ask Him to do and provide big things in my life and the really neat part is so can you. Know this, if you have accepted the invitation of Jesus to live His Way, His Life, and His Truth, you are always welcome to ask whatever you wish. Remember, God sees all of His beloved children through Jesus colored glasses won through the redemption Jesus provided for us on the cross.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Humble Holiness And Awe...

Holiness is something that is of utmost importance to me. I believe it is a concept that is sorely lacking in this society. Every day before my feet hit the floor, I silently breathe a prayer asking the Lord to fill me with a reverential holiness and an awe that causes me to bow down to His ultimate sovreignty and authority in all things. I also believe a proper dose of reverential holiness and awe is vital to a healthy and ever-deepening life of discipleship and love-sick reckless abadon to the desires that govern the heart of the Lord. I can only hope and earnestly pray that my heart is governed and stirred by what concerns and delights my God.

What does holiness look like? What does a life given over to the dictates of holiness entail? I have come to learn that true and authentic holiness and awe that moves the heart of the Lord comes out of humble and relentless surrender. Holiness requires a firm and permanent decision to move according to the promptings of the Spirit. Holiness is not something that is pushy, outspoken, or developed out of a spirit of pride. Holiness moves gently. It is a way of life. It is gentle and quiet, but also demanding because holiness asks that we as fervent worshippers and dearly loved saints, live according to God's power instead of our feelings or our flesh. It asks that we live counter culturally and totally against the grain of this present world or society. Holiness sets us apart for God's plans and purposes. It sets apart to live a life totally enraptured by His glory and life set on things that are higher than our humanity. Choose holiness. It leads to a life that is so rich and satisfying. Its rewards are everlasting and eternal.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Pray Constantly...

Father of Grace,

What an honor it is to kneel before you knowing that what you see in me is Christ. Thank you for the privilege to walk with you and to talk to you as a friend confinding in a kindred spirit. I ask this day that you would open your veil so that I may look upon you in all of your fullness and bask in Who you are. Please through the precious blood of your Son, gird upon me and fill me up with fresh oil so that I may wait for you expectantly ready to follow when you call. Dress me appropriately in your armor so that I may be fully equipped to contend for my faith. Give me strength to defend and honor you. May my life be a continual prayer to you, the One whom I treasure above all things. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus.