Thursday, March 30, 2006


I don't know if any of you are quote lovers like me, but as I have thought about prayer this week, I have been blessed and encouraged to find a few other quotes that have ministered to my spirit. I hope you are encouraged too:)

"In God's name, I beseech you, let prayer nourish your soul as your meals nourish your body. Let your fixed seasons of prayer keep you in God's presence through the day, and His presence frequently remembered through it, be an ever-fresh spring of prayer." - E.M. Bounds

I loved this one! This truly is what I'm striving for, and hopefully I am making God smile. Here it is: "If I am a Christian, I am not set on saving my own skin, but in seeing that the salvation of God comes through me to others, and the great way is through intercession."
- Oswald Chambers

Thank you for pursuing us through seasons of prayer God. May we never grow cold in our need to embrace the gift prayer is and the fact that we never outgrow the need for it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I believe prayer is the most sacred, and most essential ingredient to a soul-satisfying relationship with the Lord. It is through prayer that one is able to unreservedly pour out his heart, whether in praise, supplication, confession, or silence. Being able to freely pray allows for me as a Christian on a journey of discipleship, to cry out to my Creator, Sustainer, and Faithful Friend. Prayer affords me the honor of being ushered into the throneroom and to enter the sanctifying river of the blood that purchased my soul. I am able to calculate my beauty and worth through the eyes of eternity, where it will never be swayed and dimenished by the winds and voices of the world. Prayer is the most powerful tool and weapon, I believe, we have as Christ-followers. It has the power and authority to change lives, to move mountains, and to pave a way for God to be glorified and exalted in all things.

I am a quote lover. I found this on the blog of a friend.

"If you want a life of prayer, the way to get it is by praying... You start where you are and you deepen what you already have" - Thomas Merton

Father, I ask you to cultivate this sacred practice in me so that, in all circumstances, I may become captive to its power and its grace. Thank you for this most intimate and incredibly beautiful gift.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Things I am thankful for today

the fact that I serve a living and present God
the gift of true and incredibly authentic friends
the fact that new adventures may be around the next corner
the gift of spending a week serving with my best and closest friends
being surrounded by cherished reminders of family
the promise of a season that brings new life

You and you alone are worthy of all my praise Lord and Father:) It is an honor to serve you and to be continually formed into someone you would be proud of.