Thursday, August 25, 2005

Top Ten Songs

According to Chelsie Sargent, I have been tagged to share with the blogging community my top 10 favorite songs right now. They are in no particular order.

Lifesong - Casting Crowns
God Bless This Broken Road - Rascal Flatts
Indescribable - Chris Tomlin
Held - Natalie Grant
Bless Your Name - Selah
Living Prayer - The Zoe Group
Let The Worshippers Arise - Phillips, Craig, & Dean
We Are The Body of Christ - Hymn
Worthy Is The Lamb - Hymn
Blue Skies - Point of Grace

Be blessed today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Let the Semester Begin....

It's that time again. The time when the syllabus rears its ugly head to let the college student know of looming deadlines, its the time when critical decision-making skills come into play. Do I stay in and read the Biology chapter or do I make a Starbucks run with friends? The past two days have flown by as the semester has announced its beginning. To be perfectly honest though, I'm glad the school year has gotten underway. I am really excited to see where the Lord will lead as I make myself available for His use and his divine and eternal purpose. Throughout the craziness of the past couple of days, He has reminded me that as I surrender all of myself and everything within me, unto his throne and the foot of the cross, any burdens, worries, or thoughts of insufficiency will be conquered by his peace and the power of his blood. I am given confidence in the fact that if I do my part, He will undoubtedly fill in the rest. I have also been incredibly blessed to have a roommate and a group of friends that passionately yet humbly and authentically follow the way of Christ. To live a blessed life is a priviledge. My prayer for all of us today is that we will take time to notice the blessings that the hand of God has lavished upon us. May our eyes and our spirits be opened in a new and bigger way so that we may see the the reign of the Almighty that makes itelf present all aroud us if we take the time to acknowledge it. Be blessed.

Monday, August 15, 2005

God Bless You, Grant & Laura

Last night was a BIG night for the Cunningham family! Grant proposed to the woman of his dreams in a gazebo decked out with twinkle lights, cadles, and red roses, and to top it off, this gazebo was in Latimer Bowen Ramsey's backyard. Anyone who has seen this incredible place knows what a holy sactuary it is. My mom, daddy, and I had the honor of having Laura's three best friends there to help make the site beautiful, memorable, and romantic for both of them. These three young women are so beautiful, funny, and sweet. I can definitely see why they are deeply loved by Laura. After the proposal we had a celebration at our house and every person there is in some way very special and connected to them and their relationship. It was absolutely precious for me to witness just a glimpse of how much Grant and our family is loved! The smiles on both Grant and Laura's faces was priceless! What a great memory last night was! I will cherish it always. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Cunningham... WOW! Come, December, come! Congratulations! I love you both and I can't wait to see how God will lead and bless your lives.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Joy All Around

My life is so full! I am constantly in awe of the many ways God chooses to show me that he sees me, that he knows me, and that he loves me with an uncomprehensible, lavish love. I am humbled that he would even know my name! It is such an immeasurable blessing to know with all certainty that I am his humble servant, a beloved heir of his salvation, and that I am a masterpiece born of a God who constantly pursues my heart. When I think of all of the wonderful things he has done and all of the beloved people that he has placed on my journey, I can do nothing but lift up my heart to him in praise. God is present and attentive in all circumstances. I am so thankful that he is a Father who longs to delight in and prosper all of those who have claimed his eternal hope and promise. May all who enter here be blessed.