Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Humbled by the Blessings...

I'm not even sure where to begin. I'm in the midst of an interesting, rich season right now. Do you ever sit back and ask the Lord, "What on earth have I done to deserve or receive such beatiful blessings straight from Your hand?" It seems every single day the Lord shows His intense love and ever-increasing kindness to me in new and exciting ways. One of the richest blessings I've been able to feast upon in recent days is the answer to prayer that I've prayed for a year and a half. I spent a sweet 2 and a half hours having heart-to-heart-soul-to-soul time getting to know a woman from another one of my favorite Abilene churches, Beltway Park. As I was sitting in her home listening to the ways that the Lord has directed and ordained her journey as of late, I was absolutely covered with unseen Holy Spirit goosebumps! I left our time praising and thanking the Lord for divinely ordaining and orchestrating the absolute perfect time in both of our spiritual journeys to author what we came away agreeing is a relationship that is to benefit His Kingdom.

I've tried to find words to fit my depth of gratiude for the absolutely incredible relationships God is authoring in my life in this season, and you know what, I still can't find words to convey my feelings. I think the two words that may come the closest are humbled, intensely and extravagantly blessed, and fiercely loved. I truly want to soak up EVERY OUNCE of every single thing the Lord sends into my life in every season. The goodness of my God absolutely and utterly astounds and leaves me in complete awe. Happy Wednesday to all of you!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Visions of Fall Dancing in My Head...

It. Is. Hot. in Abilene, people. I know it is September 1st, and that it doesn't really begin to cool off until October, but oh, my goodness, the end of this summer-long extreme heatwave cannot come fast enough. I have said it on this blog many times and I will say it again. I love Fall to the core. It is my absolute favorite season. I'm sincerely hoping that cold weather will visit our fair city again soon. I don't like to admit this, and it may be TMI, but I don't think I've ever sweated this much in a summer in my life. I find myself pleading with God to bring West Texas some relief. Today our high was 98, so yes, I am thankful for the little cool front the Lord has sent. All I can say is please bring us 40-50 degree temperatures -- that is my optimal temperature. I LOVE cold weather.

In other news, I have been staring dreamily at my rather large collection of scarves and fall/winter accessories and praying that I get to wear them some time in the near future. I don't think I've shared this on the blog either, so here it goes: the one thing in my life that I cannot do without is my bible. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that it is practically an appendage. I love to do my reading out of it, I love to use it to do an intensive study, I like to use its concordance -- basically, it goes everywhere I go. My bible has joined me on many vacations, on family weekend getaways, it goes home to my parents house every weekend, it goes with me to Ladies Bible Class every Tuesday and on and on. It had mysteriously dissapeared for several months recently. Seriously I was really beginning to greive over it, thinking I'd have to replace it for my birthday or Christmas this year. I really did not want to replace it seeing as it has special notes, things the Lord has said over me, very special scriptures and other things. Another thing that I love about my bible is that it is marked up. I love to write in it. I was digging through my closet this week and I found my very beloved Amplified in one of my many bags. I was over the moon when I found it, I actually cried. Relief and pure gratitude washed over me as I hugged it close. I was so thrilled, but not surprised at all that the Lord had protected it and that He had kept it right under my nose. I didn't ever think that I could get so attached to an earthly possession, but it is God's Word, and it is the most important thing I own.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One C-R-A-Z-Y Summer...

Whew, for the few of you who haven't given up on my blogging, I'm still here. I'm so sorry for the five-month absence. My summer can be summed up in one word: CRAZY. Let me share a little recap with you. Buckle your seatbelts. Here we go.

On June 10th, both my mom and my aunt (her sister) had hip replacements in Plano on the same day one right after the other. Both of them were stars in the Joint Replacement wing of Presbyterian. No one in that practice or hospital had ever had two related people on the books for surgery. It was fun and very noteworthy to everyone that met them. They were in the hospital for a night and came back to Abilene. The really extraordinary thing was that I was their nurse while they were convalescing(sp?) at my parents house. My aunt lives 3o miles out of town, which is hard when you are recovering. It was easier for my uncle to drop her off at Cunningham Convalescent Home and Adult Day Care (very fittingly named, might I add, by the on-call nurse) during the day and pick her up on his way home. I was affectionately called Nurse Ratched during those days. Honestly, that was the only thing I kind of hated. They are both doing really well and are just new women.

On June 14th my mom's beloved 11-year-old Yorkie, Rose passed away. We had known for awhile that her little body was completely out of control. Our vet told us that her white and red blood cells were so out of whack that he was shocked she wasn't having convulsions. She finally passed away after having about five seizures and rolling around on the floor in front of mom. It was devastating she told us later. We buried her in one of our flower beds under a concrete statue. If we hadn't my Westie, Sophie would have most assuredly dug her up. A few days later, our vet told us he thougt she had a huge cancerous tumor in her stomach. No wonder she was unconsolably grouchy and territorial in her old age!

Other than those two things, we've gone on a week-long trip with our family's besties to Telluride, CO, visited both my grandmothers in the hospital, one here at Hendrick and one at Scott and White, visited my uncle, (mom's brother) in the nursing home, had my brother home for the summer, gotten him back to his wife in Lubbock, and I think that is all.

In other news, our bestie family's daughter, Christin, is getting married in December so I'm sure we'll be super busy with that this Fall. I'm a member of the House Party. It was quite an honor that I wasn't expecting in the least. God has also given me some really cool opportunities to share some things this summer. I love that. Oh, and can I just say how much I adore my church? We have a new Preaching Minister, a brand new Worship Minister, a brand new Executive Minister, and a brand new Communications Director and I have to say, I love them all! Such a fabulous team God has knit together. We as a body and as a community are blessed immeasurably. Blessings on the days ahead of you.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday...

I have been thinking about thankfulness a lot lately. Recently, I bougt Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. Her book is all about being intentional about gratitude and thankfulness and the joy that it brings to life. I have not had the chance to begin reading it yet, but I thought I'd get a head start on thinking about the concept of gratitude and thankfulness. I want these two character traits to come to define my life. So, below, I will share a list of things I am very thankful for on this Thursday:

* I am thankful for Spring. I love Spring. My favorite thing about this season is its promise of new life. If you intentionally look, signs of new life abound in this season. One of my very favorite places to observe Spring is in nature. New life resides in the rising temperatures, the flowers that are raising their heads and so much more. I also love how this beautiful season brings renewal and promise. Somehow, every Spring, I feel a sense of new beginnings. Refreshment is around every corner during Spring. It seems to me, that every day of this sweet season brings a new sense of promise in the everyday mundaneness of life. There always seems to be a pep in my step during Spring.

* I am thankful for color. The gift of color brings such joy to my everyday journey through this world. It brings an instant smile to my face and uplifts my spirit. Color also vividly reminds me that the Creator is fully alive and working. I am often astounded at His intricate use and invention of so many beautiful colors. I yearn for my life to bring color to the people I come into contact with and every single circumstance I face. I love the idea of releasing color. Just think about it. Pretty cool, huh? :) This world would be so bland without this sweet gift from God.

* I am thankful for the fact that I can live in the full inheritance that Jesus died to give me. I can choose to live a victorious life. That fact fills me with unfathomable joy. Every time I see or come across a person who lives in the chains of the enemy, my heart aches deeply for them. I'm so thankful for the fact that I can live a life that celebrates and rejoices in the fact that I no longer live in those awful chains. Choosing to live in the inheritance of Jesus brings such abundant freedom and life. I don't know about you, but living in the light of Jesus is the best choice I've ever made. I am so thankful for the fact that if I choose to live in the overflow and reality of the inheritance of Jesus, every single day is filled with such purpose, and passion.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Birthdays and Books

I realized late last week that this week held a very significant milestone. April 6th, is a very special day. Why you ask? On April 6, 1993 I became a daughter of the Most High King. Today I celebrate 18 years of walking with God. When I look back on this day so many years ago, I am just overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. I can truly say without any hesitation whatsover, that the decision to give my life to the Lord was and continues to be the absolute best decision I have made in this earthly life! Every day with my Jesus just gets better and better. I am beyond blessed to have the life that I do. My prayer is that I have authentically honored and glorified Him through my life's testimony. I do not want any speck of me to be counterfiet. I want to pursue His heart with everything that is in me. Thank you, Abba God, for claiming me and embossing your signature on my spirit for my time on this planet and the days of eternity. What an honor it is to be called Your daughter.

I am currently reading and praying through this most fabulous book, by Kris Vallotton out of Bethel Church (you can find a link to Bethel on my blog list). The title is "Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle". I have absolutely LOVED this read. I've been so challenged and immersed in God's ways. Its central theme is walking in the realities of Christ-like character and learning to make the realities of heaven a part of our every day experience on earth. It excites me that we can choose to flow in heaven's realites while we inhabit earth. Eternity begins now. Check it out on Amazon or and click on "STORE"

Another book I am currently reading is this lovely one written by Lisa Bevere entitled "Lioness Arising" It is absolutely wonderful so far. I just started Chapter 2 today and I'm already growing from its content. I just love how God does that. :) I believe that every woman believer in the Body of Christ MUST read this book. Here is the challenge found on the back cover: "Women, its time to awaken. God did not save you to tame you. Awaken to a life of fierce passion. Awaken to dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose. Awaken, your respense could very well change the world."Doesn't that just make you want to dive right in? I know it beckoned to me. This book is utterly fabulous. It is very eye-opening and it has dared me to ask for more from God. He wants to accomplish big, impossible things through the women in His Kingdom. Read it, you will not be sorry.

I hope you' ve enjoyed a Spirit-filled week full of the Lord's Presence and His joy.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break 2011 in Review...

I meant to get around to updating this space last week, but somehow, I didn't get around to it. Lots has been happening in my little neck of the woods. My family's Spring Break was spent on a staycation. We stayed home all week and really enjoyed having some good quality time together. My mama and daddy work really really hard, so they needed the rest and refreshment. On Monday, I spent the afternoon with my family of choice and we shopped till we dropped. It was a blast. We had lunch at the Natural Food Center (which is completely delicious), browsed the mall, went to Target, and went to Old Navy. My second mother and her girls could be professional shopping relay winners. They are serious shoppers, let me tell you. It was a fun girly day that I enjoyed immensely. Tuesday-Friday were spent sleeping in, reading, cuddling with a Westie, a Yorkie, and a mutt, eating, and just being together. It was pure heaven if you ask me. Saturday was spent running errands, replenishing my perfume supply, and just having a grand old time with my mom. I picked up some perfume called Bohemian from American Eagle. It is completely delightful. It was a just-because-I-love-you gift from my mama. We finished our day by my daddy treating his girls to a delicious new obsession in the Cunningham family: Nikki's Swirl Shoppe. All of their yogurt is fat-fee, gluten-free, and some are even kosher. God has been teaching me an awful lot lately and I am so grateful for this growth spurt in my relationship with Him. I've been so hungry for His Presence and He has just lavished me with His affection. Being fully and completely loved by the King of Kings is just the best. There's absolutely nothing like it in this world. I'm just loving growing in faith in the impossible. To top it off, this past Sunday I was at a luncheon where Jonathan Storment, Highland's new Preaching Minister said this, "...the leaders of this church body are happy for all of the different things going on in all of the churches in Abilene. We are not trying to compete with any of them. Our shepherds and church staff are dreaming some big dreams and if we can accomplish half of what those dreams are it will be impossible." I LOVED that statement to its core. I'm just giddy about the direction Highland is headed. I hope your week is blessed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Simple Prayer...

For the last several months, I've had one very simple prayer and petition that I've laid before the Throne. That prayer is this: I want my faith to grow. I want to grow to foster a faith that takes divine risks. My desire is to put backbone and skin on my what I say I believe. Don't get me wrong, I love words, but I've learned that words alone are cheap. Unless there is action and the 'meat' of experience backing up what I say my beliefs are, a door leading to my foundation is opened to the enemy. He thrives on shaky and unstable foundations. Remember, his entire job description is to kill, steal, and destroy. So, my job as a believer is to make sure that my entire spirit, soul, mind, strength is anchored and fixed on the One who came so that I may have life abundantly. I yearn to live a life that thrives in the things of God.

This brings me to another aspect of risky faith. I cannot speak for you, but I want a faith that makes Jesus shake His head and MARVEL. I've been claiming and trying to walk into a deeper portion of what I like to call, "faith in the impossible". I yearn to experience Jesus in all His fullness, and I think part of maturing in this thing called risky faith is asking to be taught about "faith in the impossible" so that it can be a very real part of my everyday experience. I want to walk in signs and wonders and in complete rythm with the supernatural realm. My prayer is that I will learn through the gift of each moment and new experience with God, to flesh out the heartbeat of heaven. I do realize that these are huge and dangerous prayers, but, do you honestly want to know the truth? I'm tired of being content when God gives me favor and victory over small steps and hurdles in my development as a living and breathing expression of Jesus. I want to see God do GIGANTIC, MIRACULOUS, IMPOSSIBLE things in my finite, fleshly, vapor of a life in this realm that we can see. I long to see Him reach into and beyond my "GOD BOX" and blow my mind. What about you?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Say Hello to a New Love...

I found this adorable little lady and her fabulous small business today. Let me introduce you, blogworld, to Maggie Whitley, the master mind behind the gorgeousness that is known as Gussy Sews. Many of you may have been clued in about her for some time now. If I really think back, I vaguely remember browsing my friend Chelsie's blog and locking my gaze on Maggie's sweet little accessories. Can I just say that I am in love with her designs? I really like her one-of-a-kind bags, purses, clutches, totes, and headbands. Check her out on Facebook, Twitter, and Etsy. She is definitely worth a browse. I can tell you that today will not be the last time I check in on her. I'm already plotting my first buy.

I've also been enjoying my newest CD purchase from iTunes. Passion has released their newest album, 'Here For You' . My little ears have been so happy to hear new songs from such artists as Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, David Crowder/Lecrae, Kristian Stanfill, and Matt Redman. This CD is fabulous. It is best listened to turned up pretty darn loud! Love the songs and lyrics, the beats, and the beautiful voices behind the songs. What lovely things have you discovered and been comforted by this week? I hope the rest of your work week is great. Happy Thursday. :)

Monday, March 07, 2011

A Day in Dallas...

Last week, I went on a little day-long getaway with my mom. It was heaven. She had some appointments she had to take care of in the morning so I went with her and read while she took care of her business. After finishing her meetings, we had lunch at Sclotsky's and went to TJ Maxx. Whenever mom and I walk into this eutpia of a store we can go kind of crazy. I can admit it, I went a tad scarf crazy. Scarves are one of my very favorite accessories in the world. By the time we walked out of the store, we had stuff that we didn't need in the least, but each thing we bought made us smile. I walked out with three scarves, a super cute note cube, a fabulous new ironing board cover, some monogram 'L' notecards, and a precious new hot/cold beverage cup. The fun, however, did not stop there. Just when I thought our getaway couldn't get any better, we ate dinner at my all-time favorite resturaunt on the planet, La Madeliene. It was so much fun to escape with my mom who happens to be one of my favorite people for a day. We had such great girl time. I hope your week is great.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A New Month and Other Tidbits...

Yay, it is FINALLY March. I don't know about the rest of you, but February seemed extra long to me this year. I like celebrating a new month. It holds untold possibilities and potential. Another thing that I love about March is that the promise of Spring is so close I can taste, feel, and smell it. Plus, another reason I love March is college basketball March Madness. I mean, how much better can this month get? Spring Break is an extra bonus too.

Here are some things I am looking forward to this month:

1. On Friday, my mom is being honored by the ACU Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She is being given the Grover C. Morlan Award of Excellence in Education. I am so excited to celebrate her many accomplishments in the education profession. My mom was very gifted as an early childhood teacher, and now she is exercising her strong gifting as a school administrator. My mom's side of the family is full of educators. She, her sister, her brother-in-law, and her daugher-in-law are or were at one time wonderful teachers. ACU couldn't have chosen a more deserving or humble recipient for 2011. I'm so proud of the wonderful prfessional that she is and I love that God is using her to shape the lives and futures of young children in our city.

2. An out of town adventure with my mom. I love traveling anywhere with her. She is one of my best friends. I love the fact that I can say that. We've always shared a very strong and fierce bond, I think it is one shared by kindred spirits. Most of the time, she will speak what I am thinking a second before I open my mouth to say the exact words. I really like that we know each other that well. Sharing a brain with her is entertaining and a blessing. I can't wait to see what kind of fun unfolds with her as we head out on the open road.

3. I am looking forward to welcoming Spring. I love this particular season for so many reasons. In all truth, I enjoy all four seasons. Spring has always had a special meaning to me though. I think it must have something to do with creation around me coming back into its fullest life. The colors of Spring are just gorgeous. Knowing that the parts of God's beautiful creation that have laid dormant for many months are getting to be recreated is just a beautiful thing. I love that Spring brings new and vibrant life to everything it touches. Getting out the lightweight layers to add to my Spring wardrobe isn't bad either.

What things are you looking forward to most? I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God Loves Ugly...

I have waited to meet this lovely young woman for quite some time now. This is my new friend Christa Black. I have heard just how fabulous she is from many of my friends and through her wonderful mom and dad, David and Amy who have served as the hosts for our soaking group every Monday evening. She is a violinist, a very gifted songwriter, a world-class performer, (she has toured with such people as Michael W. Smith and the Jonas Brothers), and now she can add author to her list of many talents and accomplishments. I am currently reading her smash-hit book, God Loves Ugly. This book has been mentioned here before. It is basically Christa's testimony and how she has overcome such things as addiction, eating disorders, and more. As my friend Candy has said, "...this book reeks of freedom. I could not agree more! It is a must-read in my opinion. On Monday evening, I had the privilege and blessing of getting to see Christa perform live at Monk's downtown. After her performance, I got to meet her. And, I must say, she is beautiful inside and out. I have loved getting to know her heart through reading her book. You can check out her book on Amazon and check out the music that accompanies the book on iTunes. The CD has the same name as her book. I hope your week has started off well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


One day I have waited for has come in two different ways. On February 15th, I reached blog post 300. I never thought when I began this blog in 2005 that I would find enough to write about. I am thankful for the few people that read and feel like they love me and feel comfortable enough to comment and encourage me. Honestly, I didn't think people would want to read about my little life. This blog has been an outlet for me in many ways. I find, that when I write things out, I process them and work out things that I sometimes find challenging to put words to. I really prefer to flesh things out with words. There are those times, however, that words are too much. I am very thankful and blessed to have safe places and other means in my life to release and to recieve what life deals at times. I pray that this space has been a place where you as a reader have found encouragement, a place where you have found relevance, and a place where you have been able to find a young woman who is striving to walk into who the Lord has called her to be. This blog, though small, belongs to Him. I blog what He lays on my spirit that I feel might bring encouragement and blessing.

The other exciting thing ahout February 15 is that it is the day that one of my favorite churches in America released their newest live worship album. You will find it pictured above. I really love Bethel Church. I don't know if I've mentioned this church and its many wonderful qualities on the blog, but you will find it on my side bar. I have not had the privilege of visiting in person, but it is a major dream to take a trip to Redding, California to experience it in person. Bill Johnson is a pastor that has been powerfully used by God to help form some of my personal beliefs and frameworks of what I dream "church" will look like in my generation and in my city. I don't know if you all know this, but I consider myself a 'Church of Christ woman with a Pentecostal spirit'. If you want to know more, just ask. Anyway, I love, love, love the worship that flows out of Bethel. They really know how, as a church, to experience the Presence of the Lord. Worship is a huge part of that. This fabulous church does it authentically and does it well. Check them out. My life has been eternally impacted by the teachings brought into my life by the ministers and worship leaders of this wonderful body of believers.

Hope your Thursday is blessed.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Four Ingredients of a Perfect Valentine's Day...

V-Day Dove Milk Chocolate - A friend of mine recently confessed that she can be somewhat particular and to some may seem 'snobbish' when it comes to certain things. I think one of those things in my own little life is this certain, in my opinion, gold-standard chocolate. Dove Milk Chocolate just makes everything in life better. It completely can change my outlook on a hard day, it brings a smile to my soul, and I love reading the little treasures that are hidden in the wrappers.

Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This album - I love Rascal Flatts. This band is one of my favorites in all of country music. I love their lyrics, the twangy nuances of the group's lead singer, (I cannot think of his name right at the moment, I think it's Gary something or other), and the beats of their songs. I don't primarily listen to country, I'm more of a Contemporary Christian and Praise and Worship kind of a girl, but when I do desire everything country, Rascal Flatts is one of my go-to groups. I also enjoy Lady Antebellum and Carrie Underwood.

My sweet daddy did not stop with Dove Milk Chocolate and Rascal Flatts. You see, he is one of the most precious, most generous men on the planet, so he also surprised me with Eat, Pray, Love too. It was a complete and delightful surprise. What a fabulous movie this is. Although, Javier Bodem would probably not be my choice of a man to fall in love with, but the story is beautiful. My favorite character is Kalem, whom Liz Gilbert meets on her journey. I know, you can say it, I freely admit it. I am very very blessed to be completely spoiled and extravagantly loved by a wonderful man in my life. God did good. He treats his two girls like queens.

Here's one last little treat that competely blew me away. I had NEVER seen or heard of Mint Crisp M&M's, but, do you want to know a little secret? They are addictive. These little heavenly morsels were part of my mom's Valentine's Day surprise. My daddy and I adore them. Give them a shot next time you're at Target. You won't be sorry, trust me. You won't be able to eat just one

I hope everyone felt as treasured as I did during Valentine's Day 2011.

Valentine's Day 2011...

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Happenings in My World...

Hello, everyone! I don't exactly know why I've taken a 3-month leave of absence from the blogosphere. I will try to catch you up on my life the last 3 months, so bear with me if you can.

My family and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent in Marlin, TX with the Cunningham side of the family. We ate obscene amounts of food, had great fellowship time, watched football, and ate some more. You know, the traditional and customery Thanksgiving Day activities. To celebrate Christmas, we stayed in good ol' A-town and had time with my mom's side of the family. We went out to my aunt and uncle's house in Ovalo, TX for the day and most of the evening. Another onslaught of hunger ravaged all of us on Christmas Day as well and it seemed like all we did was eat, talk, and nap. It was so fun. My brother and SIL came to visit mom, dad, and I the week before Christmas and we got to enjoy them for an entire week. I love having my brother and SIL around. We miss them terribly. All in all, our holiday season was a very blessed one.

Here are some things that have kept me busy and entertained in my time away from blogland. You may see a recurring theme. I love to read, watch movies, and do bible studies as you know, so I didn't stray too far away from the things I thoroughly and completely enjoy too much in my time away from all of you. :) My pictures of the items are out of order with the reviews, so just scroll down and you can see the image that corresponds with each review. I'm not the world's best spacing genius.

I got this little book, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young for Christmas. It was actually given to my mom, but after I had talked about it so much she gave it to me. It is a devotional book written as if God Himself was talking to you face to face. I have LOVED it. It helps me a lot to have a beginning thought in each day before my feet hit the floor and I get out of bed to welcome my day. Having something to chew on spiritually also helps bring God's Presence into my ordinary earthly days, it helps to center myself in what is truly important and eternal. I highly recommend this book if you are interested in daily devotional thoughts.

Every week, I meet with Sarah Campbell, one of Highland's Youth Ministers, to discuss life and books. We began this time last year some time. I can't exactly remember when it officially became part of my weekly routine, but I love it. Last year, we did Max Lucado's "Experiencing the Heart of Jesus" study. In January we started reading and discussing Christa Black's new book, "God Loves Ugly." It is so rich. It deals with her self-image and tells the story of how God completely restored her identity in Him. It is my very humble opinion that every mother, daughter, youth worker, teacher, or anyone else who invests in the lives and character of girls so read this book. At the end of each chapter she has a very practical exercise that helps to put what she has talked about into practice in our everyday. You can also check her out on Amazon or at

I am very devoted to all things Avonlea, so imagine my delight when I discovered that our library had copies of the Road to Avonlea series on DVD. It is based around the lives of the King family in a quaint farming village, Avonlea on Prince Edward Island in Canada. It is produced by Kevin Sullivan, the same man that brought us Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I love this series. It is my goal to own all seven seasons. I currently own seasons 1-3 and thanks to the library am almost caught up on the happenings of the series. I'm halfway through season 6 right now. To find out more you may find it all here, or just google Road to Avonlea and you will be able to find it quickly.

Just this weekend, I began "Her Mother's Hope." This is the first book in Francine Rivers newest two-part series, "Marta's Legacy." Francine Rivers is a masterful storyteller and one of my favorite authors. I love everything I've read of hers. It seems that every time I come across one of her series, I devour it because I love the different, very detailed, and lavish worlds her words can transport me into. This is a story set in Switzerland and Canada that is very good so far. I'm already four chapters in and excited to see where Marta Schneider will go and what she will do next.
Finally, the Ladies Bible Class at Highland has just started a new Priscilla Shirer 6-week study on Jonah. I've heard the story of Jonah since cradle roll, and as I grew older, on a flannelgraph, but I've never done an in-depth study on his life. I'm excited about what God has in store for me and the entire group as we dive into this four chapter book in the Minor Prophets. I've also never done a study with Priscilla Shirer before and I've found out that I really like her. She's practical, funny, and seems authentic. She is also a very good teacher. I also did not realize that she is the daughter of Tony Evans. I've heard my daddy talk about Tony from his trips to Promise Keepers while I was growing up. It's pretty neat to know a tiny bit about the family Priscilla comes out of.
So, you've finally made it to the end of a very, very long post and recap of the last 3 months. Bravo to anyone who stuck with me and actually cares about where I've been and what has been happening. Now, go and reward yourself. :)

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Happenings in My World...

Hello everyone! I don't know why I've taken a 3-month leave of absence from the blogoshpere. Here are some little snippets into my life during my time away.

My family had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Marlin, TX with the Cunningham side of the family. We celebrated by eating obscene amounts of food, had some great fellowship, ate some more, watched football, napped, and inhaled another obscene amount of food. You know, the traditional Thanksgiving custom. Christmas was spent in good ol' A-town with my mom's side of the family as well as my Nana and Pa, (my dad's parents). We spent Christmas eve with my Nana and Pa as well as my brother and SIL who were in town from Lubbock. They stayed with us the entire week before Christmas. It was so nice to have them with us for so long. We miss them terribly. On Christmas day, we ventured out to Ovalo, TX to my aunt and uncle's house out in the country. We had a massive and leisurely noon meal that lasted all day. I felt spoiled over all my gifts. My family is so good to me. It is nice to be loved. All in all, our holidays were blessed.
Since Christmas, I have been working through "God Loves Ugly" by Christa Black with my friend Sarah Campbell who also happens to be one of the Youth Ministers at Highland. We meet every week to discuss a book and this was her choice for our first go. It is a fabulous read. I have been thoroughly challenged, refreshed, and convicted all by one little book. It deals with self-image and I think one cannot grow enough in this area of life, especially in the culture and society we live in. Every teen girl, daughter, parent, youth worker, and woman needs to read this in my very humble opinion. Sooo good.

Happenings in My World...

Hello everyone! I don't exactly know why I've taken a 3-month leave of absence from the blogosphere. It has definitely been awhile. So, here is a brief rundown of what my life has looked like since October.

We had a great Thanksgiving with my Dad's family in Marlin. His sister, my Aunt Becki and her family joined us and we had a wonderful time.We did all of the traditional Thanksgiving things (eat, fall asleep, wake-up, eat some more, throw in watching football, eat, visit, and eat some more). After Thanksgiving we had my brother and his wife in town for Christmas