Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday...

I have been thinking about thankfulness a lot lately. Recently, I bougt Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts. Her book is all about being intentional about gratitude and thankfulness and the joy that it brings to life. I have not had the chance to begin reading it yet, but I thought I'd get a head start on thinking about the concept of gratitude and thankfulness. I want these two character traits to come to define my life. So, below, I will share a list of things I am very thankful for on this Thursday:

* I am thankful for Spring. I love Spring. My favorite thing about this season is its promise of new life. If you intentionally look, signs of new life abound in this season. One of my very favorite places to observe Spring is in nature. New life resides in the rising temperatures, the flowers that are raising their heads and so much more. I also love how this beautiful season brings renewal and promise. Somehow, every Spring, I feel a sense of new beginnings. Refreshment is around every corner during Spring. It seems to me, that every day of this sweet season brings a new sense of promise in the everyday mundaneness of life. There always seems to be a pep in my step during Spring.

* I am thankful for color. The gift of color brings such joy to my everyday journey through this world. It brings an instant smile to my face and uplifts my spirit. Color also vividly reminds me that the Creator is fully alive and working. I am often astounded at His intricate use and invention of so many beautiful colors. I yearn for my life to bring color to the people I come into contact with and every single circumstance I face. I love the idea of releasing color. Just think about it. Pretty cool, huh? :) This world would be so bland without this sweet gift from God.

* I am thankful for the fact that I can live in the full inheritance that Jesus died to give me. I can choose to live a victorious life. That fact fills me with unfathomable joy. Every time I see or come across a person who lives in the chains of the enemy, my heart aches deeply for them. I'm so thankful for the fact that I can live a life that celebrates and rejoices in the fact that I no longer live in those awful chains. Choosing to live in the inheritance of Jesus brings such abundant freedom and life. I don't know about you, but living in the light of Jesus is the best choice I've ever made. I am so thankful for the fact that if I choose to live in the overflow and reality of the inheritance of Jesus, every single day is filled with such purpose, and passion.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Birthdays and Books

I realized late last week that this week held a very significant milestone. April 6th, is a very special day. Why you ask? On April 6, 1993 I became a daughter of the Most High King. Today I celebrate 18 years of walking with God. When I look back on this day so many years ago, I am just overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. I can truly say without any hesitation whatsover, that the decision to give my life to the Lord was and continues to be the absolute best decision I have made in this earthly life! Every day with my Jesus just gets better and better. I am beyond blessed to have the life that I do. My prayer is that I have authentically honored and glorified Him through my life's testimony. I do not want any speck of me to be counterfiet. I want to pursue His heart with everything that is in me. Thank you, Abba God, for claiming me and embossing your signature on my spirit for my time on this planet and the days of eternity. What an honor it is to be called Your daughter.

I am currently reading and praying through this most fabulous book, by Kris Vallotton out of Bethel Church (you can find a link to Bethel on my blog list). The title is "Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle". I have absolutely LOVED this read. I've been so challenged and immersed in God's ways. Its central theme is walking in the realities of Christ-like character and learning to make the realities of heaven a part of our every day experience on earth. It excites me that we can choose to flow in heaven's realites while we inhabit earth. Eternity begins now. Check it out on Amazon or and click on "STORE"

Another book I am currently reading is this lovely one written by Lisa Bevere entitled "Lioness Arising" It is absolutely wonderful so far. I just started Chapter 2 today and I'm already growing from its content. I just love how God does that. :) I believe that every woman believer in the Body of Christ MUST read this book. Here is the challenge found on the back cover: "Women, its time to awaken. God did not save you to tame you. Awaken to a life of fierce passion. Awaken to dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose. Awaken, your respense could very well change the world."Doesn't that just make you want to dive right in? I know it beckoned to me. This book is utterly fabulous. It is very eye-opening and it has dared me to ask for more from God. He wants to accomplish big, impossible things through the women in His Kingdom. Read it, you will not be sorry.

I hope you' ve enjoyed a Spirit-filled week full of the Lord's Presence and His joy.