Monday, November 02, 2009

It's That Time of Year....

It is the beginning of November. I love the beginning of November because it starts my absolute favorite time of year. What, besides fall, is Lauren's favorite time of year? The answer is the holidays. I adore the holidays. There is so much that I love about these special times. I LOVE tradition. I love, love, love being surrounded by my family. I love the special foods we prepare. My absolute favorite part of the hoidays is getting to celebrate the blessings and bounty of Jesus' goodness to all of us. When November and December roll around each year I am reminded once more how blessed I am. The holidays always serve as a yearly reminder on the calendar to stop and realize just how much the Lord has done. To me, the hoidays are so much more than gifts under the Christmas tree. They are a time to appreciate and treasure the things that really matter in life-- the people that make my life what it is and my God that makes this life so worthwile and full.

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