Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Royal Inheritance...

I love to meditate and ponder the fact that I have a royal inheritance because of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful and glorious thought. Believers are ingrafted into a royal lineage. Think about it. Picture it in your mind's eye. Jesus constantly crowns us with His victory and lavish love. He cloaks us in his most worthy and costly blood. My favorite thing about this royal inheritance is that Satan cannot penetrate or corrupt it. It is completely untouchable; protected and saved for us when we get to heaven. We can also live in this inheritace on the earth. We can make a choice to look intently and to claim this inheritance given by God.

Take heart, if you are going through a season of uncertainty, trust and confidently believe that you can walk in the inheritance God has prepared for you--even now. Don't allow the devil to plant doubt, fear, anxiety, or shame in you. Those are poisonous to the work and will of God for you. Remember, you are His most glorious possession; His most prized creation. He delights greatly in who you are at this very second. He knows exactly where you are and what yuor situation is. Trust in His provision. Receive His rest. Fully expect good things to be born out of uncertain times. He is the God who never fails and is never late. He is more than enough. Allow your heart to feast on all of Who He is.

"But YOU are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light." - I Peter 2:9

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