Monday, April 18, 2005

Unexpected Affirmations

God has been busy this semester. I have asked him to make my spirit sensitive to the leading og the Spirit and he has lavishly delivered as usual. One way that God has blessed my journey of faith is by affirming me with the gift of some new friendships. These unexpected blessings have served as holy kisses from my God. It is like he is saying to me, "I see you and I love you Lauren." "Let me open up my storehouses of joy and lavish you with gifts of grace." I have been blessed by an incredible group of young women to pray with each week, these women have enriched my walk with the Lord in a way that is inexplicable. I have been challenged, affirmed, and cherished by the communion I have shared with these precious disciples. I hope that the relationships that have begun this semester will continue to be strengthened and grown in the years to come. It is such an incredible thing to know that God is intimately and passionately concerned about the joys of my journey. He sings his delight over me daily and I am so unworthy! Father God, I praise you and I thank you for the unexpected affirmations you have placed in my life the last few months. My prayer is that I may be an encouragement and blessing in the lives that you have blessed me with, may I strive to love and serve in ways that would bring a smile to your face and a smile to their hearts. You have abundantly lavished me with gifts that I do not deserve, but I am so thankful for. I surrender them back to you and I ask that you may be glorifed.

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