Monday, April 11, 2005

Hungering for Holiness

Throughout the last couple of weeks and days, my heart has been hungry. I am not speaking of a physical hunger. The hunger I am addressing is one that goes way beyond the physical realm. The Lord has revealed anew, a deep yearning within my spirit, to journey further into the inner courts of his holiness and blessing. I long to be taken deeper and higher into his majesty, his delight, and his splendor. My hearts' yearning is to be consumed with his favor and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am so sick of living within my own comfort zone. This has been a place of complacency and mediocrity. I long to walk out on faith and to be shaped into a disciple that trys to empower those within my realm of influence to be ready to walk down any road God opens up to them. I long to show people that our Savior is a very dynamic, charasmatic, radical presence. He is not going to be found in "safe" places. The road Jesus calls his disciples to pioneer is one filled with opportunities to grow and to be stretched by the places and the people he calls us to. I am fascinated that in the days of his ministry, Christ was not satisfied to partially teach or to partially heal. He fully restored them unto redemption and hope. I pray that this is a message that my life proclaims with passion to a world that is searching. The journey that I have had with my Savior has been the most fulfilling, rich experirnce of my life. Being willing to follow the leading of a faithful, ever-present Father is something that has given my life meaning and purpose. My prayer today is that we all might ask the Lord to show us ways that we might sep out of the boat and to radically follow wherever He leads us. Be blessed today,

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