Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A True Joy...

God gave me a wonderful blessing today. I got to spend the afternoon with my precious grandparents. These are two people who run relentlessly after the Lord. I am always encouraged, challenged, affirmed, and enriched after spending any time at all with them. They have both taught me so much about Who God is. I am taught how to be more devoted to Him by the offerings of their own lives. I am truly thankful and immeasurably blessed to have such a rich faith heritage. I love to learn from them. I am filled with such joy when I get to be around them. They live such a vibrant, life-giving grace and faith.

Jesus, I praise you for placing me in a family that has taught me the fear of the Lord. Thank you for my Christ-honoring home where your Spirit truly resides. It is such a gift to get to witness the lives of my precious family. Through the overflow of their lives, I am charged to be more devoted to you and made more into your likeness. I praise you for the gift and immense blessing of a loving, devoted, faithful family. You are so good and gracious. I love you!

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