Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009...

Can it really be 2009 already? Every year I am amazed at how quickly time passes. The Lord really knew what He was talking about when He reminded us in Ecclesiastes, that "there is a season for everything under the sun." As I welcomed the new year last night, I was reminded once again how precious everyday of life really is. I have two big goals to accomplish in 2009, Lord willing. I really want to grow in discipline in all areas of my life and I really want to go to the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City.

I have been very, very blessed during 2008. The Lord has been so good. My prayer for myself is to use all of my resources, however little they may be, to bless others during 2009. I hope to be ever more intentional in my intercession on behalf of others in my life and in my beloved church. Recently, the Lord has shown me how powerful our Enemy is and how desperately he wants to devour those who are committed to Christ Jesus. Marriages have really been on my intercession radar. It is awesome and comforting to know that Jesus has already defeated the Enemy. That does not mean that we can stop praying and standing in the gap for our brothers and sisters in Christ that are under attack. Sorry, I kind of got off on a tangent. I guess what I'm saying is that the opportunities for intercession concerning marriages are only growing. And I won't stop bringing these petitions before the Throne of Grace. I hope all of you have a blessed 2009 and that you will be open to the opportunities and the promptings of the Spirit that come your way.

1 comment:

kristin fulghum said...

lauren, so glad to hear from you. thanks for your comment. happy new year to you as well. i hope it's a blessed one for you!