Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Make Me a Warrior Woman...

I want to be a warrior-saint. I want to go boldly into places of darkness and lack in order to envelop and illuminate them with the light of the Lord. I want to make the devil cringe. I want him to know my name and to have my number. The Word says that if we resist him long enough, he will get bord becuase he realizes that we are not going to be put of course. He knows our gaze is fixed and firmly established to the One who is victorious. I love that. I mean seriously, I want to be that invested and focused on heavenly and excellent things. I was listening to a prophetic word on CD by one of my favorite people, Graham Cooke, and he said this, "The devil repelled by authentic, relentless, and reckless praise." Graham also shared this little tidbit, "Fear or anything contrary to the nature or character of God attracts attack and demonic activity." Wow. That is some hard-core truth. To be completely honest, I'm still in the process of sifting through, in my mind, much of what I heard on the CD. There was so much that was beyond my mind. But, I still opened up my spirit and received what Graham called forth and spoke over my heart. It truly fed my spirit. It was as if God was pouring His goodness and His deep abiding revelation into my being.

There is absolutely nothing that is more precious to me than intimately communing and spending time with my God. It really is the only way I will ever be who I want to be, a woman completely yielded and wholly abandoned to the purposes, passions, and heart cries of my Savior. I take such joy and faith in the fact that the Lord knows my reputation with men and in the heavenly courts. I take comfort in the fact that I am fought for in the battle that is raging all around me in the heavenly realm. I am hidden in the secret place with Christ as God fights my battles and calls forth my destiny. I want to give Him absolutely everything I can so that He can sharpen, shape, and create in me the person and eternal being that He has had in his mind's eye since before the foundations of the earth were put into place.

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