Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...

1) I LOVE to receive mail the old-fashioned way. I think there is something so special about seeing my name and address written out in someone's handwriting. God surprised me yesterday with an encouragement card from my church. Getting encouragement notes just does something sweet to my spirit. Affirmation is just pure power if you ask me, and there is not enough of it in this world.

2) I LOVE Earl Grey hot tea. It absolutely soothes my soul. I thoroughly enjoy drinking it out of my tall white mug with cherries all over it. Anything with cherries just puts a wide smile on my face. I usually drink hot tea during winter. I am a hot natured person, so it is entirely too hot outside for me to drink it in the summer.

3) I adore anything with scripture on it. I love being surrounded by scripture. It reminds me who I am and where I'm headed. I think there is something powerful in seeing scripture posted somewhere. I usually try to have some on my bulletin board in my bedroom and on my fridge. It is also a great reminder to stop and recommit and surrender myself again to the glory and use of the Lord.

4) I LOVE being around people I cherish. I am so refreshed by quality time spent with kindred friends. I draw such strength and life from being arund people who are committed to living as authentic, humble, Spirit-filled disciples. It is so good for my soul to be around men and women who promote and provoke me on to love and good works. Good quality friends are such a rare and blessed gift from the Lord. I don't know what I would do without my kindred community.

5) I LOVE pictures. My family and close friends laugh at me all the time becasuse I enjoy it so much. I carry my camera in my purse because you never know when a 'Kodak moment' will preesent itself. It seems like every room in my cozy little home has pictures in in somewhere. I love being surrounded by wonderful people and wonderful, fun memories. My fridge is full of pictures. Looking at the pictures every day reminds me to pray for my precious friends.

There you go. Another glimpse into the things that make me happy is complete.

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