Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

This entire last week while I was studying for final exams, I was trying to figure out what gift to get my mom to ensure that her Mother's Day was extra special. As is usual for me on special occasions, I made mental notes of appropriate Mother's Day tokens of love and appreciation. I tried to get valuable information out of her, but she always says that she doesn't need anything. Like that is supposed to be helpful! Come on, that is not what a daughter wants to hear! One of the most cherished gifts to her is to receive a letter from me expressing my love for her. She tells me all the time that I have a gift of writing and that words speak more loudly than material gifts. I am somewhat daunted when she wants letters because I don't know where to begin. Her influence has been far too great to put into words. For the past 22 years, beside Jesus, my mom has been my most trusted and precious friend, mentor, teacher, and confidant. She has provided a haven for me in which to cry, laugh, hope, doubt, and to celebrate. With the wisdom and guidance of the Lord, my mom has helped to cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit within me, she has helped shape my prayer life. she has taught me to unreservedly feast upon the richness that an intimate relationship with the Lord brings to life. My mom has shown me through the fruit and the gift of her own journey of faith what unfathomable joy and peace there is in surrendering my life unto an all sufficient Creator and Sustainer. My mother has also shown me how to create and maintain a beautiful Christ-centered home. I have learned hospitality from a woman who embodies authenticity, generosity, and gentleness to her core. My mother, Cheryl, has been the most abundant, Spirit-filled blessing of my life and for her I can only be eternally grateful. She has helped make me the young woman I am today and the woman of God that I hope and pray that I am becoming day by day. I love you Mama! Be blessed today.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the time to come. She speaks with wisdom, faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed.


judy thomas said...

I think you pegged your Mom--I know she loved this letter.

elizabeth said...

Her name is Roberta Robinson. She was the school nurse at Woodson in the early 90's. She loved your mother!

RosieBoo said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Mother. I lost my Mom in 2000 and I will tell you that I cherish every memory. She was my best friend, mentor, and example of godliness. Give your Mom a huge hug just one more time today....