Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One Thankful Heart...

This week I've been reminded of the indescribable sacrifice God made for us through His precious Jesus and to say the least, I'm thankful. In recent weeks, I've been going through the book of Hebrews and I have fallen in love with this book even more as I really have taken the time to sit down and really let what Jesus accomplished for me soak in. In my natural state of being I can't comprehend it but the eternal most alive part of me just wants to lavish my Father and my Savior with every ounce of praise this earth and heaven have in them. To think that God loves me with a passion that is ever-growing and deepening with every passing moment, I am just overwhelmed. Hebrews has always been one of my favorite parts of the New Testament. It just has treasures everywhere I turn.

One of my very favorite portraits in Hebrews is the one detailing the fact that Jesus is my High Priest. I am just immensely grateful that I did not have to go through all of the rituals, laws, and diffrerent aspects of the Old Covenant. Sure there is inherent value in all of God's story, but I'm just endebted to Jesus that He is my one and only sacrifice to accomplish a station in life that I am so unworthy of on my own - - eternal life. As I've gotten older, my joy has been increased to encompass and celebrate the fact that I am powerless on my own. Only through Jesus am I abe to love, serve, live, and enjoy every part of this present life that He died to give me. I realize with every day that I am blessed to wake up, breathe, and thank Him, that life is only most fully enjoyed, made rich, and made truly fulfilling when a life is given back to Him in praise, devotion, and passion to live it out as an offering for the indelible price He paid to make me His.

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