Boy I'm thankful to be alive at this time in my life. It's been interesting and rewarding to say the least. When I say interesting I mean I've really enjoy watching God, even when I don't physically see results, working in my journey. He is always always always making me new, teaching me His Truth, and making me a more perfect representation of Jesus with each new detail. I welcome all of these activities of the Lord because I never want to become complascent and stale. I always want to become stronger and grow in the knowledge and precepts of God.
Speaking of this, this coming Tuesday will mark my 27th year of life. I am so thankful for almost 27 years growing, changing, learning, loving, and more. There are so many things I desire in the coming year for myself. More on that will come later. God has done unspeakable miracles in my life the most notable being that I am alive and healthy and growing in Him every day. I am grateful beyond words for this precious precious gift of life and I can't wait to continue my journey this year. I am knowing and claiming BIG, BIG things to take place in my character, my walk with the Spirit, and my journey with people. My prayer is that I will learn to walk in an even deeper, more authentic love than the previous year. I want to go into depths with the Spirit that I've only drempt of and prayed earnestly for.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Worshipping With Kari Jobe...
I do believe, my friends, that I experienced one of the best worship times I've had in a long time last night at New Hope Church in Abilene. Kari Jobe has been one of my favoite female voices for a long time, and I ADORE her genuine heart and spirit when she worships. Well, seeing her LIVE was beyond my expectations. I've been looking forward to this time for months. There was such a tangible spirit of worship in that place. I was escorted into true worship and I loved every single minute of it. Kari is just precious in every way. I knew why my heart had really connected to her in her music. She is only a year older than me, and she exhibits so much of the worshipper I want to be before the Presence of the Lord. Kari is from Southlake, TX and she was one of the worship leaders, and still is I think, at Gateway Church in Southlake. If she comes anywhere close to where you are in concert, go see her. It is so worth every penny. The older I've gotten, I'm not really crazy about loud concerts, but this particular evening was so far away from that. It was my favorite kind of heart-hungry time with the King -- it was an intimate two hours of worship being poured out to the Healer and mighty God. There was exteremely free and intensely extravagant praise being lavished on Christ Jesus. It was absolutely fabulous.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sharpened and Spurred On...
There are many things that encourage me. Today I got to partake in a class that really touched on my passion for intercessory prayer and heigtened my desire to be white-hot in laboring for other people in prayer. I have had a ton of respect for Josh Ross for a long time now. From the very beginning stages of his early ministry at Highland, when he was an ACU student, an M.Div candidate, and now as a husband, father, and minister of the Word in Memphis Tennessee, my deep respect for him has only grown and deepened. To be honest, even though Josh is only a couple of years older than I am, he is one of my absolute favorite servants to watch because of the authenticity he chooses to show in every aspect of who he is, even if he doesn't realize it. I know Josh is human and that he has limitations, the truth is we all do. What I am saying is that I am always made more into the image of Jesus by allowing the influence of the disciple that he is filter down into my own spiritual formation. Josh, can you tell you are loved? I just want to say thank you for being so invested and passionate about the call of Jesus Christ on your life, on your family, on your ministry, and on the legacy of who you are and who you will become in the years to come.
Another blessing God gave me today was finally formally meeting another young man I've heard wonderful and life-giving things about, Collin Packer. Collin has also served as a young mentor of the servant I desire to become. I am always taken deeper into the things of the Lord by having the privilege to learn form Collin's example of humility and truth. I feel so grateful to have these two true-to-life, authentic, Spirit-saturated men to learn from, to look up to, and to pray for. I pray God would grow their ministries in Memphis and in Littleton and I pray that the Holy Spirit would rest mightily on their marriage covenants, on their households, and on the men after God's own heart that they are on the journey of becoming. God is good and faithful in all things and I just wanted to say thank you to Josh and to Collin for calling me through the fruit and the gifts of your lives into the depth and reality of who Jesus really is lived out in who you both are in His kingdom. Kayci and Holly you and Truitt, Noah, and Maddox are so blessed. May many blessings fall and rest on the Ross and Packer families by the power and provision of Jesus Christ.
Another blessing God gave me today was finally formally meeting another young man I've heard wonderful and life-giving things about, Collin Packer. Collin has also served as a young mentor of the servant I desire to become. I am always taken deeper into the things of the Lord by having the privilege to learn form Collin's example of humility and truth. I feel so grateful to have these two true-to-life, authentic, Spirit-saturated men to learn from, to look up to, and to pray for. I pray God would grow their ministries in Memphis and in Littleton and I pray that the Holy Spirit would rest mightily on their marriage covenants, on their households, and on the men after God's own heart that they are on the journey of becoming. God is good and faithful in all things and I just wanted to say thank you to Josh and to Collin for calling me through the fruit and the gifts of your lives into the depth and reality of who Jesus really is lived out in who you both are in His kingdom. Kayci and Holly you and Truitt, Noah, and Maddox are so blessed. May many blessings fall and rest on the Ross and Packer families by the power and provision of Jesus Christ.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Day At The Movies...
I love movies. I enjoy watching stories unfold. This week I spent one day watching a saga that I had recorded off the Hallmark Channel. It was an old western saga based on Janette Oke's Love books. Throughout the time spent watching these wonderful movies, I kept wondering where the godly, ever-present core values that were characteristic of a by-gone era have gone. I have to say that I adore Hallmark movies and shows because of those values. I am a sucker for a good family-friendly series. These type of movies are very very few and far between in our world today. Why is that? Sometimes I desperately miss those movies that Hollywood has deemed 'dinosaurs' and ancient in the culture today. I get so tired of seeing such blatent and overt sin present in our movie theaters today. Don't get me wrong, there are some really good things that come out of our movie theatres that point directly to God, but for the most part, they are sorely lacking. I think I'll stick with Hallmark-esque movies, series like Little House on the Prairie, and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman any day. I am constantly reminded that God has placed me in a depraved and lost generation to be set apart and different. He wants me to be in the world but not of it, but that is harder said than done. I'm mindful that God is with our world even when signs to the contrary exist, and I am thankful for that. Stepping off soapbox now :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
One Thankful Heart...
This week I've been reminded of the indescribable sacrifice God made for us through His precious Jesus and to say the least, I'm thankful. In recent weeks, I've been going through the book of Hebrews and I have fallen in love with this book even more as I really have taken the time to sit down and really let what Jesus accomplished for me soak in. In my natural state of being I can't comprehend it but the eternal most alive part of me just wants to lavish my Father and my Savior with every ounce of praise this earth and heaven have in them. To think that God loves me with a passion that is ever-growing and deepening with every passing moment, I am just overwhelmed. Hebrews has always been one of my favorite parts of the New Testament. It just has treasures everywhere I turn.
One of my very favorite portraits in Hebrews is the one detailing the fact that Jesus is my High Priest. I am just immensely grateful that I did not have to go through all of the rituals, laws, and diffrerent aspects of the Old Covenant. Sure there is inherent value in all of God's story, but I'm just endebted to Jesus that He is my one and only sacrifice to accomplish a station in life that I am so unworthy of on my own - - eternal life. As I've gotten older, my joy has been increased to encompass and celebrate the fact that I am powerless on my own. Only through Jesus am I abe to love, serve, live, and enjoy every part of this present life that He died to give me. I realize with every day that I am blessed to wake up, breathe, and thank Him, that life is only most fully enjoyed, made rich, and made truly fulfilling when a life is given back to Him in praise, devotion, and passion to live it out as an offering for the indelible price He paid to make me His.
One of my very favorite portraits in Hebrews is the one detailing the fact that Jesus is my High Priest. I am just immensely grateful that I did not have to go through all of the rituals, laws, and diffrerent aspects of the Old Covenant. Sure there is inherent value in all of God's story, but I'm just endebted to Jesus that He is my one and only sacrifice to accomplish a station in life that I am so unworthy of on my own - - eternal life. As I've gotten older, my joy has been increased to encompass and celebrate the fact that I am powerless on my own. Only through Jesus am I abe to love, serve, live, and enjoy every part of this present life that He died to give me. I realize with every day that I am blessed to wake up, breathe, and thank Him, that life is only most fully enjoyed, made rich, and made truly fulfilling when a life is given back to Him in praise, devotion, and passion to live it out as an offering for the indelible price He paid to make me His.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Taking Part in Football History...
Like the past couple weekends, this one was no different. In case you have never visited this blog before, my family and I are crazy about high school and college football. Weekends in the fall are characterized by some form of football. Whether it is high school, college, on TV or something else, we partake in some fooball-themed entertainment every weekend. This football frenzy lasts from August through the playoffs that can last the Saturday before Christmas. Can you see why football consumes this family. I must be totally honest, I love it. I don't think I could be part of my family if I didn't. It was so much fun getting to visit a stadium that I've seen thousands of times on TV. It was awesome getting to be in an environment that is steeped in so much collegiate fanfare and history. I loved being able to partake in some of the fun that the student athletes get to experience during Bowl week in the College Bowl Series. Seriously, I created some wet, fun memories with my family of choice this weekend.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Labor Day Weekend 2009...
I have had a fabulous long weekend. I got to spend time with our wonderful family friends, celebrate my little cousin's birthdays, and reconnect and spend some very treasured time with my dear friend Kevin and his wonderful and absolutely beautiful fiancee Darcey. It was so good. Here is some proof of the fun I had.
Spending any time with Kevin just does something wonderful for my spirit. It was such a tremendous honor and privilege to finally meet his Darcey. I cannot wait for January 16, 2010. It will most definitely be a day to celebrate in a big way. I am so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bring Kevin and his influence into my life. I thank Him everyday for that blessing. Now, I get to add Darcey to that prayer of thankfulness. She is everything I've prayed for in a mate for Kevin. Truly, God outdid himself with this match. I can only imagine what great and mighty things the Lord is going to do in the lives of these two precious friends as He brings them together and reveals His glory in their union and His purpose for their existence in His kingdom as part of the same covenant relationship. Can you tell I'm excited?
{Somehow, Blogger put my pictures out of order. Kevin, Darcey and I are at the top for some reason and the little cousins and I are next.} I hope you have a wonderful four-day work week.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Just Another Friday...
I have to say, I love Fridays. Tonight will be no different, EXCEPT I get to see my newly-initiated-law-student brother, Grant and his Laura who has finished her second week as a first grade teacher. I am beyond excited. Then tomorrow I get to see my precious precious friend, K and meet his fiancee, D. I am just beside myself. How can a girl get this lucky in one weekend? It is just a great, tailor-made first full weekend of fall for me. I think one of my favorite things in this life is celebrating people. There's just nothing like it in my opinion. I also get to celebrate my my 2-year-old cousin Lily and 5-year-old cousin Emma Beth on Saturday night. Can you say pictures. Yes, there will be a mulititude of pictures captured this weekend for sure and for certain. My camera battery is fully charged and rearing to go.
My heart has just been overflowing in gratitude and utter thankfulness for the blessedness that rests in my journey and in my life every single day. I am so unbelievably loved by a God who never changes, a super fun and supremely loving family, and friends that just leave me amazed , encouraged, and sharpened in ways I never thought possible. Yes, of course, I still pray dilligently and fervently over my dreams, but I am finding unspeakable joy, treasure, and contentedness in my station in life right now. Thank you Father, for that! It's the best feeling in the world. Thank you for making me realize and live in the certainty of who you are Jesus. I claim that this life is yours. You have won this heart. Please do with me what you will because you hold everything about me in your soverign hands. Hands that are worthy to hold my future. Hands that were scarred to purchase me. I bless your name, my calling, and my position as your co-laborer and co-heir.
My heart has just been overflowing in gratitude and utter thankfulness for the blessedness that rests in my journey and in my life every single day. I am so unbelievably loved by a God who never changes, a super fun and supremely loving family, and friends that just leave me amazed , encouraged, and sharpened in ways I never thought possible. Yes, of course, I still pray dilligently and fervently over my dreams, but I am finding unspeakable joy, treasure, and contentedness in my station in life right now. Thank you Father, for that! It's the best feeling in the world. Thank you for making me realize and live in the certainty of who you are Jesus. I claim that this life is yours. You have won this heart. Please do with me what you will because you hold everything about me in your soverign hands. Hands that are worthy to hold my future. Hands that were scarred to purchase me. I bless your name, my calling, and my position as your co-laborer and co-heir.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
September How I Love Thee...
Glory be!! It's September and I am so so happy. Fall is in the air and I can almost taste it. Fall really is my favorite season. I love wearing layers, bundling up when there's a nip in the air, and being in the world when it changes from summer to fall. It is just so exciting to me and it makes me feel alive when it's cold outside. Plus, some of my favorite things are coming up in September and throughout the fall season.
My birthday, the Kari Jobe concert, Summit at ACU, football games, travelling, fun holidays, new babies for my friends. These are just a few of the exciting things September will bring to me. I am so ready to say goodbye to this very hot summer and hello to a cool and crisp fall season. There is just someting about fall that makes my soul feel at home and most secure. One other thing I love to do is to drink hot tea and I cannot justify doing this throughout the hot, grueling summer months. I went out on a coffee date to a new place with a precious friend and I tried iced Twinnings Lady Earl Grey and I loved it to its core. I will have to invest in the little blue box of those little jewels and put it in my cabinet to enjoy this fall and winter. All in all, I am just about to bust at the seams in excitement for the exciting things that await me this fall and during September. I love fall and winter so much and I believe they are practically perfect in every way as Mary Poppins would say. Happy September to you all.
My birthday, the Kari Jobe concert, Summit at ACU, football games, travelling, fun holidays, new babies for my friends. These are just a few of the exciting things September will bring to me. I am so ready to say goodbye to this very hot summer and hello to a cool and crisp fall season. There is just someting about fall that makes my soul feel at home and most secure. One other thing I love to do is to drink hot tea and I cannot justify doing this throughout the hot, grueling summer months. I went out on a coffee date to a new place with a precious friend and I tried iced Twinnings Lady Earl Grey and I loved it to its core. I will have to invest in the little blue box of those little jewels and put it in my cabinet to enjoy this fall and winter. All in all, I am just about to bust at the seams in excitement for the exciting things that await me this fall and during September. I love fall and winter so much and I believe they are practically perfect in every way as Mary Poppins would say. Happy September to you all.
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