Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughts on Writing and Community...

I am most definitely a writer. I believe that being a writer is someone God created me to be. I am ALWAYS scribbling down thoughts or great quotes. I also always have a tiny journal and pen in my purse. I honestly love it. I believe that writing and worship are two outlets that the Lord placed on this earth just for me. Words stir something deep in me. Music also speaks to the deepest core of who I am. I am immensely grateful for them both. However, sometimes, I cannot find just the right words to convey a certain thought or emotion that I yearn to put onto paper. My brain is always scheming about how best to articulate a thought or feeling or experiece that I want to share. I realize that not everything that comes into my mind or spirit needs to be written down. Some of the things I think or feel are meant for God and I alone, and I like that. The thing I like most about writing is that most of the time, in my case, God uses what I think and what I write to bless others. One of my dreams is to write a book someday to have in Christian bookstores. I don't think I've shared that publicly before. I feel like the Lord has released into me a new portion and level of passion into the things I yern to write about and that excites me so very much. I love the fact that not everyone has to agree with what I wite and how I feel and I really relish the outlet that writing is in my life. I pray that whatever I write honors and glorifies the Lord because everything that the Lord has created and is creating exists to bring Him glory and pleasure. I pray that that can be said of the things I write. The fact of the matter is my writing belongs to Him.

I think community is so very important. In my opinion, it is essential in the life of any serious Jesus-follower. God seems to be gently pouring this over my life right now. Community is vital for so many reasons. One thing that I have learned is that building authentic community takes time. It is not something that can take place over night or within a few days or weeks. I think it has to be born. I have to say, I am very serious about the community that surrounds my life. I think it is really crucial that we know the people that surround, encourage, and walk with me in my journey. God has given me so many treasures through the people that reside in my community, This gift that God has given His people has a profound way of shaping us, if we allow it to. People with whom I share close community need to know that I will walk with them throughout every season. That is one way the glory of the Lord is seen. If I really want a person in my close community, I have found that it takes time in relationship in order for me to appreciate all of the facets of any certain person. I like to know how they think, the area of their giftedness, the degree of their passions and where those lie, and the degree of commitment to the Lord. For example, are they just Sunday pew-warmers or are they committed to allow Jesus to color every single aspect of who they are. What kinds of things do you look for in community. Through my time on the journey of Christian discipleship, I have learned how sacred and precious it is to be surrounded by committed and authentic community, I am a better person for it.


Unknown said...

Your blog really opened my eyes to something. I've never thought of myself as a writer, but like you, I'm always making notes about what I read and thinking of different ways to express it. I love to read, especially the Bible, and I love to worship. I started my blog because I felt like God was giving me little devotions to share, but the way you described your gift of writing fits me too. Thanks for posting this.

Chelsie Sargent said...

Loved this post. I am big on community- I believe God created us to live and thrive in community. And you are such a beautiful writer- glad you use this gift to bless those around you!

Mary Kay said...

I agree with Chelsie, you are such a beautiful writer! I will be standing in line to buy that book when it hits the stores, so get to writing girl!!! I think it is a dream placed on your heart by God!