Sunday, September 05, 2010

Oh, Fall, Can You Come Stay Awhile?...

I know that I've shared this little tidbit on the blog before, but Fall, or as some people like to call it, Autumn, is my favorite season of them all. It seems as though all things are right in life during the Fall. High school and college football begins, pumpkin spice lattes are available at 7-11 and Starbucks, fall-scented candles start to dominate the shelves of retail stores, wearing scarves begins to make sense once again, and drinking hot tea becomes appropriate. I say all this to point out once again, that Fall is my absolute favorite. I was made to live in fall. I secretly wish the season could last all year long. I love fall decorations, fall food, fall smells, and fall traditions. Not to mention, it ushers in my birthday month of October, and gets me excited about the festivities of November and December.

The only really big thing that hasn't truly found a permanent place in West Texas is consistent cool and crisp fall temperatures. THAT is when I know my favorite season has decided to come in and stay awhile. But, even though the weather hasn't quite changed yet, and won't really do so until October, my little football-loving heart can rest very happy as I wait out the cooler temperatures. I hope you are helping to usher in the essence of the changing seasons in some fun new ways. Happy Fall everyone!

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