Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Long Lost Blogger Returned

I don't know who in the world reads my random writings, but I thought I would post and let those of you who do check this thing know that I am still alive. Our family had a wonderful Christmas. My mom outdid herself yet again. Let me just say that she knows how to entertain, and I am so grateful! I LOVE having our home full of people. My aunt and uncle that live in Denver came to town to share the holidays with the rest of our bunch that lives in town. This was quite an occasion because my mom has not had her entire family together for Christmas in many years. I was totally blown away by my parents incredible generosity one more time!

In other news, my brother and his wife moved into their first home over the holiday. It is absolutely precious with my favorite material, toille, in the kitchen--black and white no less. My parents also gave my brother a new English Pointer puppy named Scout who is the most adorable creature that I have known thus far in my life. She is full of personality and fits quite nicely into our family. My dad absolutely adores her, and the rest of us are not too far behind!

The third blessing of the holiday was my cousin's wedding in Dallas. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her beautiful gown. I am so thrilled that she is so happy and that God has answered this desire of her heart in such a special way.

Just today, I accomplished a great feat for me--the inevitable closet-cleaning and purging of unwanted and unneeded clothing! Through this experience I learned that I could clothe a small country.

I hope all those who read this are blessed in new and exciting ways in the new year.

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