Tuesday, July 05, 2005

PRAY for Brock Latham

After reading the commnents on Mike Cope's blog today I have been convicted to intercede on behalf of a little boy, Brock Latham, and his family. Details of his struggle can be found at wesleydl.blogspot.com. Apparantly, this little one has been battling some type of cancer and only has two weeks to live. Please join me in petitioning the Lord's will and claiming Psalms 56:13. While at the blog site, you may also sign up for a slot on the 24 hour prayer vigil. I hope you will join me in praying for Brock and his family as they wait upon the Lord and boldly ask for Brock's life and victory. Be blessed today.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

Thank you for the information. I signed up to pray too!