Monday, February 23, 2009

My Neighbor...

This week in worship my minister challenged the church body to think about our neighbor. His message was centered around Luke's account of the Good Samaritan. This really got me thinking. Throughout his entire message thoughts rolled all around my head. How do I treat the poor? Do I spread the grace and love of Christ as I am commanded? Do I approach opportunities to give with an open and willing heart and Christ-shaped hands? Am I standing on the front lines to help the downtrodden or do I shy away in fear? Would I willingly give a homeless person who was hungry or naked the food I had or the shirt of my back? Would I willingly give away 10 or 20 dollars to a beggar? I guess what all these questions that were rolling around in my head yesterday boil down to is would I entertain each of these situations as if they were "Jesus with skin on" or would I stay in my comfortable complacancy? I do not want to ever be complacent or get to comfortable where I am. I want to take opportunities to grow and change and become better. Just food for thought.

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