Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eye Surgery Success...

November 22, 2008 was a momentous day in my life. It was a day that life as I have known it for 25 years changed for the better. On that cool Saturday morning, I had surgery in Dallas to correct the way in which my eyes track with one another, making them straight for the first time in my life as an adult. The end result is, I believe, a direct answer to many prayers offered on my behalf and a gift of grace from the hand of the Lord. My doctor was absolutely wonderful and he was one of the kindest, most gentle, and most humble men I have ever met. I wish all doctors treated their patients the way he treated me. God used him as an instrument to sew me back together the way He inteded. My recovery has gone very well and my family and I are very pleased with the outcome of the surgery. I will go back to Dr. Beauchamp on January 5th for a check-up. Going through this surgery has made me very thankful for the gift of sight! It has been so wonderful to look people straight in the eye! It truly does help a person connect to another. I am so very blessed.


Chelsie Sargent said...

What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing- I rejoice with you!

M'chelle said...

I am so excited for you!!! What a blessing. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Beautiful picture of you by the way!

Ashley said...

Oh Lauren, I am so happy for you! Congratulations, I know you must be so pleased. What a wonderful Christmas gift!