Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Let the Semester Begin....

It's that time again. The time when the syllabus rears its ugly head to let the college student know of looming deadlines, its the time when critical decision-making skills come into play. Do I stay in and read the Biology chapter or do I make a Starbucks run with friends? The past two days have flown by as the semester has announced its beginning. To be perfectly honest though, I'm glad the school year has gotten underway. I am really excited to see where the Lord will lead as I make myself available for His use and his divine and eternal purpose. Throughout the craziness of the past couple of days, He has reminded me that as I surrender all of myself and everything within me, unto his throne and the foot of the cross, any burdens, worries, or thoughts of insufficiency will be conquered by his peace and the power of his blood. I am given confidence in the fact that if I do my part, He will undoubtedly fill in the rest. I have also been incredibly blessed to have a roommate and a group of friends that passionately yet humbly and authentically follow the way of Christ. To live a blessed life is a priviledge. My prayer for all of us today is that we will take time to notice the blessings that the hand of God has lavished upon us. May our eyes and our spirits be opened in a new and bigger way so that we may see the the reign of the Almighty that makes itelf present all aroud us if we take the time to acknowledge it. Be blessed.

1 comment:

Chelsie Sargent said...

Hello friend! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and thoughts on my blog yesterday. It is so fun to receive and send messages to people via blog! Keep up the good work in your new semester, you make our Lord so proud! Make sure you check out my blog today- you have been tagged!
Much Love-