Friday, May 06, 2005

One Down, One to Go

Well, I finished my next to last final at 10:40 this morning. I have another test at 12:00. Hopefully it won't be too hairy. Summer is so close I can taste it. I am almost free! I have a quick prayer request for whomever may wander by my blog today. Please pray for Jonathan Shaub. This is an incredible young man who was hit by an oil truck about three months ago. While there is no visible infection in his leg anymore, he has suffered an incredible fever. 104 degrees to be exact. The many people who have been on their knees for him know beyond doubt, that this is a tool of Satan to breed discouragement and doubt. Just a few days before we all learned that Jonathan was experiencing very visible, tangible steps of victory. Please get on your knees for this servant of Christ and his precious family. They are all hungry for mercy, healing, peace, and wholeness. Sharon, Jonathan's mom is staying with him in New York, while his dad is in Nashville where the family calls home, and his sisters are finishing up the semester. I don't remember where Nicole and Megan are in school. Jonathan is a student at Vanderbilt. THank you for visiting today. Be blessed as you enjoy the Lord.


judy thomas said...

I am enjoying your blog, Lauren. Thanks for praying for the Shaubs--they are all very special people. Just know that the teachers will be as glad as you are when the semester is over! Love Miss Judy

judy thomas said...
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elizabeth said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Is your mom Cheryl? If so, my mother used to work with your mother at Head Start in Abilene. That is where I grew up. If you will look back at my post on May 2nd about my Mother's birthday, there is a picture of my sister wearing a dress with the name Lauren on it. She gave it to your mother for you. If this is not you, please disregard!