Thursday, February 25, 2010

Something To Confess...

Today I had the precious honor of watching a beautiful, Spirit-saturated memorial service. I have been on my knees for Jenny Bizaillion and the entire Ross family for weeks now. Monday, when I learned of her passing, I was absolutely heartbroken--for David, for Malaya, and for Rick, Beverly, Josh, Jonathan, Kayci and Jennifer. I wanted God to heal Jenny. I wanted God's glory to be manifested in her physical healing. I prayed so hard for it. But, there's a funny thing about following God. It is important to understand that we as His followers may not understand His ways and his reasons for doing things. I certainly do not understand why she had to die so young at 31. I have asked big questions of God. I have wrestled with Him. But the bottom line is I still believe He knows what He is doing and I still believe He is altogether good even when I fail to understand.

Praying so hard for someone does something transformative to you if you allow it to. The Holy Spirit connects you to that person in a very stong way. Even though I didn't personally know Jenny, I had already dreampt of what kind of precious and special person she must have been, she had to be just fabulous. Today's memorial service was a sweet testimony of the cross-formed person Jenny was. It was a good thing I only listened to the service because I was an absolute wreck by the end of it. I will never forget how Jonathan led people to the cross before even one word was spoken and how Josh absolutely left me bawling at how intensely personal and full of tested and authentically proven faith his words were. I know Rick and Beverly are so proud of their three precious children because they are all devotedly following after the heart of Jesus. I will tell you this my friend Karen said it beautifully today. She said, "I don't really have the right words...but just a peek into her and her family's life changed mine." I couldn't say it any better. It is such an honor for me to know and love her brother Josh. He is such a wonderful man of God. I will not ever forget Jenny or the precious mark she left on this world. I want to be celebrated and remembered as Jenny was today. It was absolutely beautiful.

Even when the circumstances don't turn out the way we would like them to, blessed be the name of the Lord. He is worthy of all praise in all seasons. I am a better person for investing prayer into Jenny's battle. Thank you for that, Abba. You are forever good!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Wonderful Weekend...

I had a great weekend. I spent it dog-sitting, spending time with people I love, and I had a fabulous and precious treat on Saturday. I finally got to meet my sweet friend, Annalee in person. I also got to meet her precious 2-year-old, Adelaide at the Sip and See for baby Graham, Annalee's adorable new baby boy. At baby Graham's Sip and See I got to hug my adorable friend Ashley and visit with her which was such a sweet blessing. I love how God has blessed my life with such wonderful friends. I am one blessed young woman. On Sunday, Chris Seidman preached at church and his message was excellent. I was challenged, encouraged, and sharpened for sure. I hope you too enjyed a good weekend.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Please Pray...

I am asking all who may visit this blog to please pray for Jenny Bizaillion. She is a thirty-something young woman with a husband and a 9-year-old daughter in the Dallas area. Jenny went to the doctor with a case of the flu that quickly turned to pneumonia and then it turned into sepsis. Jenny was admitted to a Metroplex-area hospital on February 4, 2010. She has been critical for several weeks now and now has gangrene in her feet. You can check out her care pages site at:


Jenny is a graduate of ACU and is the sister of Josh Ross who is the Preaching Minister at Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis, TN. The Ross and Bizaillion families are completely confident of God's presence with Jenny and they are completely committed to giving all the glory to God for Jenny's healing. We are all thankful for the progress Jenny has made and we are asking the Lord for more! Our God is mighty to save! Thank you so so much for lifing up this precious precious woman and her family to God. May the Lord be moved to completely restore Jenny as a result of our prayers!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Snowy Day In A-Town...

It has been a very snowy day in my neck of the woods. I don't have any pictures to share but I have thouroughly enjoyed this blissful wintery day. You might be asking youself, "Why is she using the word blissful?" Well, there are two reasons. One being that I think snow is lovely to watch. The seccond reason today has been blissful is because I have had to do absolutely nothing. I have caught up on all my DVR'd shows, snuggled under my favorite comfy-cozy red chenille blanket and I've enjoyed a completely contented feeling. I love hibernating in my cozy warm little home on cold, grey, wintery days like today. It's been a wonderful day to be a couch potato :) I hope you've enjoyed your day wherever you are.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Recent Happenings...

Here are a few glimpses into my life as of late:

1. I have had A LOT of opportunities to intercede for others lately. I just plain adore that. Intercession is a major passion of mine. It brings me so much joy to stand in the gap for other believers. Prayer holds immeasurable and unimaginable power and I LOVE being a part of its work. I feel alive when I am engaged in intercession. I have to say, it takes a lot out of me, but the fruit that comes from it is so worth all the energy and time. Plus, I think the eternal effects of it are just mind-blowing. I believe intecession is critical in the Body of Christ and I am so honored to do it.

2. I have had the blessing of writing a bunch of encouragement notes lately and I love that. I love making other people feel special and significant. I try to write several a week. Encouragement is vitally important to me. I have to be surrounded by encouraging and life-giving people and I think it is so important to point out the giftedness of others. In my opinion, there is not enough encouragement in our world these days. I love speaking and writing blessing into the lives of people I love, respect, and cherish. Encouragement is such a joy to parcel out and also to receive.

3. I have really enjoyed watching 19 Kids and Counting and American Idol lately. I am fascinated by 19 Kids and Counting on TLC. I love watching the family dynamics of the Duggar family. I am so encouraged by the mission and values of this family. It is so counter-cultural and out of the norm of our society these days. American Idol has been fun and excruciating to watch at times. There has been some serious talent showcased in the auditions so far, but there have also been horrific singers. I feel sorry for the judges in the audition stage. I'm ready for the time in LA to begin. I'm really excited to watch the dynamic Ellen will bring to the judges panel.

Monday, February 01, 2010

A Wii For Christmas...

Over the Christmas holiday, my brother and sister-in-law came to Abilene and introduced me and my mom and dad to the fun of the Wii. We all had some serious fun with this game system. I had never played with one before Christmas and I have to say it is addicting. I loved the Wii so much I decided a few weeks after Christmas to spend some of my money on one of my own. The games are loads of fun. I have Wii Sports, Wii Active, Super Mario Brothers for Wii, and Wii Play. The Wii has provided several wonderful and fun evenings for mom, dad, and I. I have to say, my favorite things to play are bowiling and tennis. Boy, are my arms sore after playing. I am looking forward to years of fun with the Wii. I think it is a wonderful investment in fun and togetherness with friends and family.