I've gotten lots of joy out of many different things lately. Anyone who reads this blog knows what a high-school and college football fan I am. The first joy I will share is this...
...I got to experience the joy of watching Texas beat OU in the Red River Rivalry. I am not the biggest Texas fan, but I route for them when they are playing an out-of-state team. That is not to say that I couldn't be pursuaded to become a Texas fan though :) It's just that my Daddy went to A&M for three years. But let's face it, A&M just cannot produce a winning football team. We'll see how they do against Texas, I'm already prepping myself for a complete domination by Texas. I've also gotten behind Tech. First because Taylor Potts is an Abilene High graduate, like me and secondly Grant attends Tech, so I pay my allegiance to the school. Let me just say, Stephen Sheffield has done great. OK, moving on...
...I've gotten to see Grant twice recently and that ALWAYS makes me happy. Since he and Laura have moved to Lubbock the family and I have missed them so much and it has been a blessing and a treat to see him. He came in for the A-High game against Weatherford and rode with us along with his best friend Cole. In case you haven't figured it out, I absolutely adore my family. I think family is to be cherished, treasured, and highly esteemed. I don't know what I'd do without them. They just make life so much fun :)...
...I've gotten to do one of my absolute favorite things - - celebate. In our family, October is a busy month and it is chalk-full of opportunities to have fun. We have my mom's birthday, my birthday, my uncle's birthday, and Halloween. Plus we usually try to fit in a trip to Fredericksburg, and that is always cause for celebration if you ask me. I love to travel.
I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite Eagle-in-training, my cousin, Emma Beth