Monday, September 18, 2006

Blessings from Heaven

I have been so blessed to live and be fully present in this season of my life! God has been so faithful and He has lavished his love and favor onto me in ways that I never imagined possible. He has blessed my journey with a group of kindred community to walk with me and to shape me into the image of Jesus. You know who you are. I want you to know that I am humbled and I am incredibly thankful and grateful for your places in my life. There is so much more I can and want to give away to Jesus, but He has taught me so much about the blessings and the effects of affirmation. I have learned how effective and important the gift of affirmation is in the life of a disciple. It has been used in me to spur me on to want to be and do more for the glory of the name of Christ Jesus. God has gifted me in specific areas and I want to develop those gifts to be used to their fullest potential to the glory of my Father. Jesus I am yours. You fashioned me and you know every part of me. I give myself away to you for the power and presence of your precius Holy Spirit to abide in and through me. My only goal is to be used to bring more souls into intimacy with you and your Son. God, let it be. Holy Spirit, come, take up residency in me so that you may work through me to sew a tapestry of glory with every breath that I breathe and every word that I speak. I love you.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A God of Miracles

We serve a God of miracles. The God we serve does not forsake us. I am so incredibly thankful that He rose from the grave that Satan meant to keep him in. He rose to allow me and all of those who love Him to live victoriously through His precious Spirit. He rose to bring redemption, mercy, hope, and exceeding joy to all that He created and called good. Anyone who says that God is not alive and working in and among those He loves is, I believe, sadly mistaken. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be an instrument of your redemption, grace, hope, and rescue to a dear soul who has found his way into your loving arms. I pray now that you will pursue both him and me harder than you ever have before. You are amazing God. You are worthy of all of my praise both now and forever. It is to you that I lift up my hands in praise and honor. You are the worker of miracles and the ever-present, all-sufficient Creator that makes all things new. I love you, precious Jesus. I can only say "Blessed be your name".

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Here's To Another Semester

Well, tomrrow another semester will begin at ACU. My prayer is that God will show Himself to me in new and exciting ways and that he will grow and bless friendships. Thank you Father for going before and behind me and preparing my way. May this semester bring honor and glory to you as I try to be your hands and your heart to the people around me.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I am so thankful for this time of year. God is doing some incredible things in my journey, showing me his character and just how much he loves me each and every day. Last night I was blessed to be a part of a Passover meal. I have had the experience before but it had been many years ago. I felt as though I had been transported directly into the presence of Jesus as he sat in the Upper Room. In my 2nd grade shepherding group last night, we talked about what it means to be a servant and I was reminded through the eyes and experiences of children, the beauty of this call of the disciples of Jesus. Before we split up into our groups, Katie had the shepherds read a different story in which Jesus served. I had the blessing of reading my favorite servant story, Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. God refreshed the message in this story for me, he showed me that every part of me constantly needs to be surrendered and washed by his tender and gentle hand, so that he may do his will in my life. I have had so many servants who have shown me the call of Christ. One group that has tremendously shown me how to serve and to love has been the group of friends the Lord has placed on my journey, to further mold and shape my heart's soil.

Thank you Father for sending Jesus to bleed for me! Thank you for allowing him to be clothed with every sin I have ever committed so that I can be free! Most of all thank you that on the third day, the grave was empty. I love you sweet Jesus. Thank you for being my Lamb and my constant intercessor seated on the mercy seat in Heaven. To you and you alone be all praise, glory, honor, and eternal blessing.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I don't know if any of you are quote lovers like me, but as I have thought about prayer this week, I have been blessed and encouraged to find a few other quotes that have ministered to my spirit. I hope you are encouraged too:)

"In God's name, I beseech you, let prayer nourish your soul as your meals nourish your body. Let your fixed seasons of prayer keep you in God's presence through the day, and His presence frequently remembered through it, be an ever-fresh spring of prayer." - E.M. Bounds

I loved this one! This truly is what I'm striving for, and hopefully I am making God smile. Here it is: "If I am a Christian, I am not set on saving my own skin, but in seeing that the salvation of God comes through me to others, and the great way is through intercession."
- Oswald Chambers

Thank you for pursuing us through seasons of prayer God. May we never grow cold in our need to embrace the gift prayer is and the fact that we never outgrow the need for it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I believe prayer is the most sacred, and most essential ingredient to a soul-satisfying relationship with the Lord. It is through prayer that one is able to unreservedly pour out his heart, whether in praise, supplication, confession, or silence. Being able to freely pray allows for me as a Christian on a journey of discipleship, to cry out to my Creator, Sustainer, and Faithful Friend. Prayer affords me the honor of being ushered into the throneroom and to enter the sanctifying river of the blood that purchased my soul. I am able to calculate my beauty and worth through the eyes of eternity, where it will never be swayed and dimenished by the winds and voices of the world. Prayer is the most powerful tool and weapon, I believe, we have as Christ-followers. It has the power and authority to change lives, to move mountains, and to pave a way for God to be glorified and exalted in all things.

I am a quote lover. I found this on the blog of a friend.

"If you want a life of prayer, the way to get it is by praying... You start where you are and you deepen what you already have" - Thomas Merton

Father, I ask you to cultivate this sacred practice in me so that, in all circumstances, I may become captive to its power and its grace. Thank you for this most intimate and incredibly beautiful gift.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Things I am thankful for today

the fact that I serve a living and present God
the gift of true and incredibly authentic friends
the fact that new adventures may be around the next corner
the gift of spending a week serving with my best and closest friends
being surrounded by cherished reminders of family
the promise of a season that brings new life

You and you alone are worthy of all my praise Lord and Father:) It is an honor to serve you and to be continually formed into someone you would be proud of.

Friday, February 24, 2006

A Sweet Fragrance: Kerri Lane

The last few days have been hard. I am mouning the loss of an incredible friend, servant, sister, and mentor. Kerri probably didn't realize she was a mentor to me but she certainly was! I cannot express what she meant to me in mere words. Kerri was a single mother raising two precious, Christ-honoring little girls, ages 6 and 9. Less than a year ago, she noticed a growth on her abdomen, but thought nothing of it. This growth turned out to be malignant melanoma. The roots of her soul were so deep before her diagnosis but they grew even more rich and beautiful as she made the journey through cancer. Kerri Lane was a woman totally anointed in the oil of joy and fully devoted to the call of Christ Jesus. There were only two places she longed to abide with all of her being, either at home with Carlee and Jolee or in the throneroom of Heaven worshipping her God and King. Everything she did and said was bathed in the fragrance of the Most High. In my life, Kerri embodied Jesus in a way that permanantly marked my own journey of faith. As I remember her at this moment, I am reminded of a powerful phrase from a Christian song. " We live and we love." That is the sum of Kerri's life. She fulfilled the two greatest commands that the Father has called each of his beloved children to be defined by. This precious woman was so very intentional in her love and in her relationship with her God. She understood what it truly meant to know and experience the love of Christ as her Bridegroom and the Lover of her Soul. I want to live with that devotion and that insaitable hunger and thirst that only He can quench and bring forth. She has left quite a legacy in my life and in the life and body of Highland Church of Christ. She will be an everlasting example of a living, vital, humble, and most beautiful faith and trust in the way of Christ. Now, Kerri joins the multitudes of angels as she is inducted into Heaven's Faithful Servants Hall of Fame. I love you so much, Kerri. Know that Carlee and Jolee are loved and will carry your legacy to many generations. Lord, you created such a masterpeice in Kerri Lane. Thank you for bringing her into my life and allowing me to be formed and shaped more fully into the image of Jesus as a result of knowing her. Kerri, the harvest of souls that you have touched and left behind is plentiful. The fruit of your life is most beautiful beloved. Jesus, take good care of her!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Salem, OR

Funny title, I know but the plans God has for this place really get me excited! I will be traveling to Salem as a part of a Spring Break Campaign at ACU. God is really opening some incredible opportunities to me as I am learning to take a back seat and let him work in my life. I have been praying about how I could get back to Oregon and God knew that this opportunity was in my immediate future! He is the best. Last summer my family and I went to Eugene as a part of the Into All The World Campaign at Highland. We worked with the Christ Fellowship Church and through that week I formed some incredible relationships. Not only did God answer this specific prayer, he allowed the group of my closest and best friends to be on the team with me! There are some awesome servants of Jesus in this group and I can't wait to see how my life will be changed as a result of this campaign over Spring Break. Emily, JDubb, JSwim, Kevin, Blake, Katrina, and Mary, I love you guys and I know God will be glorified through our time together in Salem. Thank you for showing and teaching me the image of Jesus through the gifts of your friendship and your lives.

"I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness, but will have the light that gives life." John 8:12

Lord, let your anointing fall! Have your way in all of us, Lord. We love you more than all other things in this world.

Salem, OR

Funny title, I know but the plans God has for this place really get me excited! I will be traveling to Salem as a part of a Spring Break Campaign at ACU. God is really opening some incredible opportunities to me as I am learning to take a back seat and let him work in my life. I have been praying about how I could get back to Oregon and God knew that this opportunity was in my immediate future! He is the best. Last summer my family and I went to Eugene as a part of the Into All The World Campaign at Highland. We worked with the Christ Fellowship Church and through that week I formed some incredible relationships. Not only did God answer this specific prayer, he allowed the group of my closest and best friends to be on the team with me! There are some awesome servants of Jesus in this group and I can't wait to see how my life will be changed as a result of this campaign over Spring Break. Emily, JDubb, JSwim, Kevin, Blake, Katrina, and Mary, I love you guys and I know God will be glorified through our time together in Salem. Thank you for showing and teaching me the image of Jesus through the gifts of your friendship and your lives.

"I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness, but will have the light that gives life." John 8:12

Lord, let your anointing fall! Have your way in all of us, Lord. We love you more than all other things in this world.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Atticus Finch

This post was inspired by a quote written in a blog by my friend Beverly. Atticus Finch is one of my all-time favorite characters in all of literature. There is so much we can learn from this wise, tender, gentle family man. One thing I love about Atticus Finch is his desire to be a part of a better world. This is such a rich and complex character with so many different facets to draw from. To Kill a Mockingbird is in the list of the ten best books I have ever read. Inadvertently, this book changed how I see the world. Harper Lee paints such a lovely, invigorating tale with Atticus Finch being one of the central illustrations. The quote on Beverly's blog today:

"There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That's not possible." -- Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

I wish the world held more Atticus Finch's. Be blessed today as you think about the influence of this incredible literary character. He is one of the best.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


My life has been richly blessed to have so many examples of Christ-honoring, sefless servants. Many of the people that I consider to be servant examples in my life do not care for the gleam of the limelight. These are men and women who truly know what it means to pick up the cross of Christ and follow his call. There is a part of each of their lives that I am praying will become part of my spirit. Some of these cherished people include Rob and Cheryl Cunningham, Jayma Savage, Squeaky Walker, Latimer Bowen Ramsey, Gary and Maria White, Mark and Gina Lewis, Jim and Susan Clark, Daryl and Rebekah Zeller, Wes and Terrie Bennett, Steve and Chelsie Sargent, Terry and Gayla Pope, Greg and Tina Etter, Jim and Jody Reese, John and Evelyn Willis, and so many others. Through the gift of these peoples' lives I have been shaped more fully into the image of Jesus. Who are some of your cherished servant examples?

Monday, January 16, 2006

What a Month

December was an unbelieveably busy month. My brother got married the day after school was out for Christmas, on Christmas evening they moved into our upstairs, and my daddy got a new puppy. All in all, I loved being home for a month! I really cherish my times at home with uninterrupted time with my family but I also love being around my friends. I know that God has great plans for the Spring semester and I cannot wait to see what he will bring into my life. I just wanted to give a little update. I am alive and doing well.

What a Month

December was an unbelieveably busy month. My brother got married the day after school was out for Christmas, on Christmas evening they moved into our upstairs, and my daddy got a new puppy. All in all, I loved being home for a month! I really cherish my times at home with uninterrupted time with my family but I also love being around my friends. I know that God has great plans for the Spring semester and I cannot wait to see what he will bring into my life. I just wanted to give a little update. I am alive and doing well.